Trump makes it official, taps Powell to head Federal Reserve


Fed Gov. Jerome Powell, who was first nominated to the central bank by President Obama, is widely seen as a continuity choice.


Housing groups pan GOP swipe at mortgage deduction


Hopes that tax reform might soften a weakening of the mortgage interest deduction were quickly dashed as the GOP plan landed a double punch on the incentive cherished by the mortgage and housing industries.


Bank tries to rebuff investor by labeling him holding company


CapStar Financial is suing an investor on claims he misled other shareholders and is trying to skirt bank holding company laws.


Fannie Mae keeping an eye on servicers' hurricane response


Fannie Mae servicers are facing pressure from the recent hurricanes, but so far are bearing up under the strain.


RBC's software solution to matching millennial employees with mentors


Royal Bank of Canada has found a unique solution to keeping its tech-savvy interns from moving on — using a new technology that matches young employees with more seasoned people to set up career mentoring chats over coffee.


Bitcoin is 'very definition' of a bubble, Credit Suisse CEO says


The speculation around bitcoin is the "very definition of a bubble," Credit Suisse Chief Executive Officer Tidjane Thiam said as the currency exceeded $7,000 for the first time.


Trump kills CFPB arbitration rule; Blockchain MIA


Rule that would have made it easier for banks to be sued is repealed; a survey says the technology isn’t a priority for bank CIOs.


Housing finance reform not happening soon: Trump official


Mark Calabria, the chief economic adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, said the administration is focused for now on more pressing issues than GSE reform, including addressing housing damage from recent hurricanes.


Trump signs resolution killing CFPB arbitration rule


With little fanfare, President Trump officially nixed the rule prohibiting financial firms from including mandatory arbitration clauses.


Moderate Dems try to salvage reg relief after Brown rejects GOP plan


Discussions on a regulatory relief package between the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Banking Committee broke down late Tuesday, but members from both parties remain hopeful they can reach a bipartisan deal.
