Welcoming Mitu Gulati


Regular readers of Credit Slips will know that Mark Weidemaier will often co-post with Professor Mitu Gulati of Duke University. These posts, often on sovereign debt issues, are among our most widely read and commented upon. We are very pleased to announced that Mitu is joining as a permanent blogger. When trying to figure out how to introduce Mitu to our readership, I looked at his faculty bio, which is too good not to share in its entirety:

Mitu Gulati is a professor at Duke University. His research interests are currently in the historic evolution of concepts of sovereign immunity and the role that law can play as a symbol. He has authored articles in the Journal of Legal Studies, the Review of Finance and Law and Social Inquiry. He has won no awards, other than a second place finish in the fancy dress competition in 3rd grade (photo not available).

Characteristically, Mitu's bio is unduly modest. He is a very accomplished and prolific scholar who is well known within the legal academy. It is our honor and pleasure to have him join this often merry band of bloggers. We hope you enjoy his contributions.
