Today's Bankruptcy Statistics Challenge


A friend wrote me and pointed out that Chief Justice Roberts's annual report noted that bankruptcy filings had declined in "89 of the 90 bankruptcy courts." He wondered which court was the exception, and for that sort of information, he wrote me.

The question has become today's bankruptcy statistics challenge. You may put your answer in the comments, but no fair looking it up. There are a few caveats. First, the chief justice was citing the statistics for the government's fiscal year, which ran from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. Second, the chief justice's statement was only for bankruptcy courts in the states and not any in of the territories.

Look for the answer in a post later today about the bankruptcy filing statistics for the 2012 calendar year.  Also, be on the lookout for a post with a disquisition on what one's life has become when your friends write to you to get answer to bankruptcy statistical questions.
