RDC App for Citibank?


Citibank is running commercials featuring the ability to deposit checks remotely via mobile device, a process known as remote deposit capture. Citi isn't the first retail bank to roll out RDC--USAA, for example, has been doing it for a while, but USAA has almost no branches, so checks have to be deposited remotely by their farflung depositor base.

There's no question that RDC will become a standard retail banking feature over the next few years, but I'm still puzzled how RDC will overcome its fundamental security problem:  multiple deposits of the same check. If I write a paper check to you and you deposit it remotely by sending in an image, you can still deposit/cash the physical check  elsewhere.  And you can, in theory, deposit the same check remotely multiple times. Moreover, the ability to deposit remotely means that check forgers don't need to bother obtaining magnetic ink, etc.  

There are things banks can do to limit the fraud risk, but RDC continues to appear very vulnerable to a coordinated kiting scam or other organized attack. I'm not sure what would prevent my cousin Boris in Odessa from making mass deposits of bogus checks and clearing out a whole bunch of accounts before anyone was the wiser, especially if he used a gang of smurfs.  It'll be interesting to see how long it takes before a bank takes a major loss from a RDC scam, if it hasn't happened already.   
