The CFPB and Behavioral Economics
This post is an extended aside from my previous post about David Evans' argument about the CFPB's mindset and institutional incentives. The point isn't critical to Evans' argument, but I'm writing because it really irks me because it shows such a lack of understanding about the CFPB. Specifically, Evans suggests that the CFPB's supposed emphasis on preventing consumer harms rather than maximizing consumer welfare stems from the CFPB’s “intellectual foundation in behavioral economics.” This just wrong. The CFPB really doesn’t have a behavioral economics DNA. (Heck, behavioral economics hasn't made much of a mark on government in general).
Elizabeth Warren, the intellectual godmother of the CFPB, was not a behavioralist. Her basic argument for the CFPB was that an administrative law one—having a dedicated agency for consumer financial protection was likely to be more effective than in the mission were scattered across a dozen agencies, most with other, more pressing missions. Nothing behavioralist there, and not an iota of it to be found in her original article proposing a CFPB. (Her co-authorship with Oren Bar-Gill of an expanded version of the article didn’t make it a behavioralist idea.) Likewise, during the legislative process all of the obviously behavioralist stuff, like the “plain vanilla” requirement, didn’t make it into the final legislation. Indeed, I can’t point to anything in any CFPB rulemaking or enforcement action that is clearly behavioralist. At best one can point to Sendil Mullainathan having been the head of the CFPB's research team for a while, but that doesn't make the agency inherently behavioralist.
Contrary to Evans’ claim, the CFPB is not predicated on the idea that consumers routinely make bad choices. It is predicated on the idea that a subset of businesses actively seek to take advantage of consumers through sharp practices for the very simple reason that those practices are profitable. This is a totally market-driven view of the world. Why take advantage of consumers? Because it pays. Change that calculus and behavior changes. The CFPB is based on the idea that when consumers are presented with clear, accurate information they will make the choices they want. The fundamental economics tautology of revealed preferences is not in question. Instead, the CFPB is emphasizing an obvious corollary to revealed preferences: that they reflect the information available to the consumer. When there is warped information, consumer decision making is warped. Consumer behavior reflects true consumer preferences only when there is full and accurate information. Thus, when businesses deliberately obfuscate pricing through their form or context of disclosures or through product design, consumer decision-making will be warped. Correcting informational problems in markets is not the same as addressing cognitive biases. It's a pretty standard market efficiency move, not a behavioralist move.
Likewise, the CFPB picked up a whole bunch of pre-existing federal statutes, none of which have anything remotely behavioralist in them. Instead, if there’s anything behavioral it would be in the CFPB’s unique power: the ability to prohibit unfair, deceptive, and abusive acts and practices (UDAAP). UDAAP is aimed at rooting out sharp practices—actions that are unfair, in that they are more likely to harm than benefit consumers, that are deceptive, or that are abusive, in that they take unreasonable advantage of consumers. Unfair and deceptive are hardly controversial—the FTC and bank regulators have had those powers for decades. “Abusive" has been more controversial, but mainly because of its supposed novelty. It’s meant to be a standard-like equitable gap filler, but the basic idea shouldn’t at controversial. Indeed, the FTC's interpretation of "unfair" from the 1960s until 1980, which was upheld by the Supreme Court, looked a lot like "abusive". Reasonable minds might disagree about the application, but that isn't itself a problem. In any event, the idea of prohibiting unfair advantage comes out of contract law, with doctrines like unilateral mistake (when the other party knows of the mistake) or duress. So I’m just not seeing (1) what’s behavioralist about the CFPB and (2) why that translates to a supposed focus solely on consumer harm, not consumer welfare (which as I discuss in the previous post is an inaccurate view that fails to account for all of the work the CFPB does beyond rulemaking and enforcement).
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