CFPB and ACICS Retrospective


The Department of Education just stripped the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools of its accreditation role.  (For those of you not in academy, this accreditation is critical for schools to get DoE funds, among other things.  It's part of what enables the ABA's on-going tyranny of legal education.)  Some of you might remember that in 2015, the CFPB issued a Civil Investigative Demand to ACICS, the authority for which ACICS challenged successfully.  At the time some of the CFPB's critics held the CID up as an example of improper over-reach, and the District Court bought the argument that there was no connection between accreditation and private student lending.  (Of course there is, but that's another story.) I'm just wondering if those folks who thought the CFPB acted improperly with the CID might be singing a different tune now.  It sure looks like the CFPB was on the right track with the CID.  
