
Veritex to buy Green Bancorp in Houston for $1 billion


Green's sale follows a dedicated effort by its management team to purge its energy porfolio.


Four commercial loans flagged as problems at Texas Capital


The Dallas bank reported sizable growth in business and mortgage lending in the second quarter, but it more than doubled its provision for loan losses to cover four credits that went into nonaccrual status.


Factoring deal is diversification play for Axiom


The Orlando, Fla., bank has bought Allied Affiliated Funding in Dallas in an effort to branch out beyond traditional commercial and consumer lending.


Big shift in store for Walmart's largest banking partner


Woodforest National in Texas has relied heavily on hundreds of in-store branches and overdraft fees to boost revenue. That is starting to change.


Equifax reaches deal with 8 states on steps to avoid future breaches


Under a consent order with Texas and seven other states, the Atlanta-based credit reporting firm agreed to shore up its information security efforts, but it will not have to pay any financial penalties.


Texas Capital issues warning on four loans


The Dallas company expects to report a higher loan-loss provision after the loans, which include two shared-national credits, deteriorated in the second quarter.


From slow courtship to full-court press: How Cadence landed State Bank


Cadence first discussed a deal with the Atlanta target four years ago. But negotiations picked up steam once it was clear State Bank had other suitors.


Santander Consumer in talks to sell its share of partnership with Fiat


The subprime lender could lose a big partner now that Fiat Chrysler has officially announced it will form its own auto finance unit, and the two are negotiating an end to their 6-year-old relationship.


When M&A challenges a bank’s comfort zone (in a good way)


Independent Bank had no intention of expanding outside Texas until it gained a few stray branches in a neighboring state.


Independent in Texas takes big leap in Denver with Guaranty acquisition


Independent's branch network in Denver will nearly triple after it completes the $1 billion acquisition.
