signature styles

Signature Styles (Spiegel, Newport News & Shape Fx Brands) Update for Customers: Official Creditors’ Committee Asks Bankruptcy Court to Force Companies to Honor Gift Cards & Merchandise Credits At Least Temporarily


The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors has asked the bankruptcy court to force Signature Styles/Spiegel/Newport News/Shape Fx to honor gift cards, merchandise credits and other customer programs, as well as to actively participate in the sale process.  To learn more about the Committee’s request, please visit our newest article on this case: Signature Styles (Spiegel, [...]


Signature Styles (Spiegel, Newport News & Shape Fx Brands) Creditors’ Committee Appointed, Selects Proposed Counsel


Summary: The United States Trustee filed a notice with the bankruptcy court on Friday which identified the creditors which have been appointed to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the chapter 11 bankruptcy cases of Signature Styles, LLC and Signature Styles Gift Cards, LLC. Those companies, which collectively operate a catalog and internet retailer [...]
