Business First in Louisiana agrees to buy investment adviser


Smith Shellnut Wilson has managed Business First's investment portfolio since the bank was formed 15 years ago.



Access Denied: Representation


The hurdles faced by Black professionals who break into the financial services belie the notion that their small numbers at the industry’s top ranks are a pipeline problem.


Access Denied: Representation


The hurdles faced by Black professionals who break into the financial services belie the notion that their small numbers at the industry’s top ranks are a pipeline problem.


Coronavirus stress tests strength of women’s network


In a still male-dominated industry, does the network help attract and keep more women at the firm? CEO Shirl Penney says yes and has the results to prove it.


Sandy Spring to buy wealth manager in Northern Virginia


The Maryland company agreed to acquire Rembert Pendleton Jackson, which has $1.3 billion in assets under management.
