Revenue and expenses

New tech could save banks $70B by 2025


The rapid pace of technological change will force financial services companies to invest in more efficient digital offerings for clients, eliminate jobs and retrain staff to focus on higher-value work, according to an Accenture report.


Rumblings of Texas M&A wave after high-profile deal


The Independent Bank-Texas Capital merger could prompt other banks in the state to consider selling or buying.


Parsing bankers' warnings on credit


Several banks have reported spikes in substandard loans, special mention credits and watch-list relationships. What does it all mean?


OCC gives banks another break on their assessment fees


A 10% cut next year, which will be identical to the fee reduction this year, is projected to save the industry about $85 million next year.


Will Iberiabank's no-premium deal touch off big-bank M&A wave?


The Louisiana company's willingness to combine with First Horizon without a big initial payday is fueling talk that other banks could be keen on selling at relatively inexpensive prices.


Smaller banks take a turn swinging the ax


While layoffs at big banks get the headlines, small and midsize lenders are also trimming payrolls in response to lower rates and fears that a recession is getting closer.


Deposit insurance credit came just in time for community banks


The credit they received in the third quarter is helping to soften the blow from falling net interest margins and weakening loan demand.


Belt-tightening success may lead banks to more ... belt-tightening


A new study suggests banks have the ability to operate leaner than ever before. That could fuel investor demands for more cost cutting and drive more banks to pursue M&A.


Big-bank headcounts aren't budging


Pockets of job growth — in technology and compliance as well as from branch openings in new cities — are offsetting some of the dramatic cuts elsewhere at the world’s largest lenders.


Sluggish loan growth hurts profits at Capital One


The McLean, Va.-based credit card issuer reported expense growth that rose faster than net interest income during the second quarter.
