Predictive modeling

Check your toolbox before chasing new (and expensive) modeling systems


Many banks buy modeling tools from vendors to help detect new areas of risk, fraud and profitability without realizing their existing systems are capable of doing the same.


Machine learning’s promises, pitfalls


Testing shows an overreliance on machine learning data can unfairly harm credit scores.


Bank of America's AI approach: 'Productive paranoia'


A thorough process for approving experiments with artificial intelligence, clear philosophical principles and diverse human involvement are some of the ways BofA says it's working to ensure AI does no harm.


Synchrony minds HR as it develops AI


The bank and card program provider is starting to use AI in many areas, but it's also trying to build paths forward for employees whose jobs will be affected.


‘A lot of people are going to get hurt’: Petrou on fintech risk


Policymakers need to update banking regulations to minimize the risks posed by technology companies entering financial services, a well-known policy analyst says in a new paper.


Everything is random: Why history’s overrated for risk management


Using historical patterns to predict the next financial success or crisis seems rational. But beware the human psyche’s tendency to concoct order out of randomness.
