
FDIC's brokered deposits rule may hurt some middlemen


The forthcoming measure could override staff opinions that helped certain deposit-gathering companies partner with banks.


The questions credit unions must ask when choosing technology vendors


Institutions considering new technologies must ask themselves what they're looking for not just from a product but from a partner.


Banks and fintechs need each other more than ever


The coronavirus pandemic has exposed weaknesses even at well-established fintechs. They could become more resilient by partnering with traditional financial institutions.


Crackdown on bank-fintech partnerships would hurt subprime borrowers


Some legislators and consumer groups want federal regulators to block such alliances. Here’s why that’s a bad idea.


There’s a ‘true lender’ fight brewing in California


The state has proposed a law to cap the interest rate on certain consumer loans, but nonbanks aim to skirt it by seeking a rent-a-charter.


Banks should slow down to get blockchain right


Bank consortium R3 CEV, one of the most well-funded blockchain working groups, has endured criticism for its meticulous process. But if blockchains are most valuable with a network effect, maybe forgoing some agility is worth the long while.
