News and Comments

The Trap of Merchant Cash Advances and Financing


If you have a business, you have no doubt received advertisements for “merchant cash advances,” “merchant loans” or “merchant financing,” whether or not those specific terms are used.  If in doubt, just do a search for those terms and you will get a couple pages of sponsored ads (but be warned the big brother of the internet will flood you with ads after that).  Based on cases I have now, and calls I have received, business has picked up considerably for those


New Chapter 11 Filing Alert – Governors Gun Club Kennesaw, LLC


The Governors Gun Club of Kennesaw  filed a Chapter 11 case in the Northern District of Georgia on August 17, 2022. Case No. 22-20787-jrs. The reason for the filing, as stated in pleadings filed with the Court –


Bitcoin – Currency or Commodity For Purposes of §550 And Avoidance Actions? What About Claims?


bitcoin-logo-3d-1024x1024Bitcoin – currency, the equivalent of U.S. dollars, or a commodity more similar to a product or stock?
