The Unsavory Origins of the Term "Chinese Wall"


The National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges has put out a statement on Inclusive Language which recommends using the term  "firewall," "screen" or "ethics wall" instead of "Chinese wall" to describe "an information barrier within an organization intended to prevent exchange of information or communication that could lead to conflicts of interest." It stated that the term "Chinese wall" was considered offensive without further elaboration.


NCBJ 2021: Speeding Out of the Pandemic: Courts, Practitioners and the Road Ahead


This panel looked at how Covid has affected the legal professional and how it will affect the practice going forward. The panel consisted of Judge Elaine Ha


NCBJ 2021: CLLA Luncheon: Ethics Goes to the Movies

Larry Cohen, a lawyer from Vermont and adjunct faculty member at multiple law schools used movie clips to teach legal and judicial ethics. Trying to describe movie clips without being able to play them may be a fool's errand but I will do my best.  I am sure that I didn't capture everything possible but at least this is some ethical food for thought.

NCBJ 2021: Even the Circuits Can't Agree


 ABI Editor at Large Bill Rochelle hosted a group of three panels discussing three different legal issues. The issues included one legitimate circuit split, a dispute between lower courts and a divided state court panel.



Rembrandt van Rijn - The Bankruptcy of 1656 - The Art, Loves and Insolvency of a Great Artist


Judge Scott Clarkson (Bankr. C.D. Cal.) gave a fascinating talk on the art, loves and insolvency of Rembrandt van Rijn. While this talk may not have a lot of practical import, Judge Clarkson tells a great story.


NCBJ 2021: Diversity & Inclusion in the Bankruptcy Profession


One of NCBJ's plenary sessions explored Diversity & Inclusion in the Bankruptcy Profession. The panelists included the Hon. Bernice Donald (6th Cir.), Jimmie McMillian, the Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Corporate Counsel for IndyCar, Michael Bernstein of Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, LLP and Prof. Angela Banks from Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law.
