
How Staffing Mistakes Hurt Banks' Mortgage Profits


Banks can increase the efficiency of their mortgage businesses by requiring loan officers to generate leads from outside referral sources and assigning officers only to branches in markets with high origination potential.


Why Some Banks Are Measuring Mortgages Wrong


Many banks measure mortgages as they would any other consumer product. But the unique, complex nature of mortgage activity necessitates measuring origination net revenue separately from the bankÂ's decision about whether to invest in the originated loan.


Why Commercial Real Estate Bubbles May Belong to the Past


The U.S. office property market has become a model of a disciplined, well-functioning real estate market since listed equity real estate investment trusts changed the calculus driving new construction.


Did DeMarco Make the Right Call on Home Loans?


FHFA acting director DeMarco's rejection of principal reductions for underwater homeowners led some to praise his judgment and others to call for his termination. What's your take?


The World’s Worst Ever Sellout – Is Your State In?


Over 40 states have already signed on to the sellout deal the corrupt politicians negotiated, so they could run for office beating their chests bragging about their tremendous accomplishment, with their mortgage company liege lords, who should have already started their prison terms, to get them off the hook for the greatest financial crimes in our history.

Just in case you wonder where I stand.
