Morning scan

More executive drama at Deutsche Bank; Is the market ready for a bitcoin ETF?


The German bank's head of corporate and investment banking is reportedly looking to leave; analysts are worried that a bitcoin fund might set off "irrational exuberance" among investors.


How Dodd-Frank rollback hits the SEC; Stress reduction for big banks


The SEC may have a more difficult time than other agencies adopting lenient financial regulations; the Fed's newest stress tests may be easier on the biggest banks.


Republicans ready legislation to replace Dodd-Frank; Bank investor bonanza?


The chairman of the House Financial Services Committee is preparing a new financial reform law; change could free up $100 billion in bank capital that could be returned to shareholders.


Trump's Dodd-Frank dismantling; Deutsche Bank's mea culpa


President to sign executive order Friday to roll Dodd-Frank as battle lines form over various sections of the act; Deutsche Bank's John Cryan issues an "especially contrite" apology for the German bank's past mistakes.


Sofi expands deeper into banking; CFPB fines RushCard


Social Finance continues to expand outside student loans, buying Zenbanx, a digital bank and money transfer startup; prepaid card provider fined $13 million over 2015 system outage.


Banks beef up security; Democrats boycott cabinet votes


Banks are checking vendors' security practices; Mnuchin appointment to Treasury put on hold as Democrats stall.


Bank executives weigh in on travel ban; Trump takes aim at Dodd-Frank


Wall Street banks comment on the president's temporary halt on immigration from Muslim-majority nations; Trump promises to do "a big number" on financial reform act.


Citigroup exiting mortgage servicing; Wells looks to muffle shareholders


Citi is close to deals to sell its customer and non-customer servicing portfolios; Wells tries to limit investor resolutions in its annual meeting proxy materials.


Ant Financial buying MoneyGram; Will blockchain 'change the world'?


Chinese's largest online payments company to get a footprint in the U.S.; Believers in blockchain bemoan the lack of global cooperation.


JPM wins BlackRock custody business; Harvard to outsource fund management


JPM snatches $1 trillion custodian business from long-time holder State Street; Harvard will lay off half of the employees managing its $35.7 billion endowment.
