Mark Warner

Warren, Warner propose 'massive' fines for data breaches at credit reporting agencies


The two senators are set to introduce a bill that would force such firms to pay $100 per customer whose personal information was compromised.


Regulators faulted for 'box checking' mentality on anti-laundering enforcement


Examiners focus too much on how many suspicious activity reports banks file and too little on the true riskiness of their activities, according to lawmakers and industry representatives.


'We are about to be overwhelmed by bitcoin,' senator warns


Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said Tuesday that policymakers need to take a hard look at cryptocurrencies. Senate Banking Chairman Mike Crapo agreed the issue was ripe for a hearing.


Equifax follows Wells' crisis management playbook — with a twist


Equifax observed an increasingly well-worn ritual of scandal-ridden firms by jettisoning CEO Richard Smith: apologize, promise to do better in the future, and sacrifice your top executive in the hopes it will ward off action by Congress and regulators.


Lawmakers widen Equifax probe to other credit rating agencies


Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., sent a letter to the top executives at TransUnion and Experian on Wednesday asking them what steps they are taking to safeguard consumer data in light of the Equifax breach.


Bipartisan Senate bill would force Fannie, Freddie to think outside FICO


A bipartisan duo of lawmakers is set Tuesday to introduce a bill designed to increase homeownership opportunities for “credit invisible” consumers.


The tricky calculus of housing finance reform


The Senate is set to begin teeing up housing finance reform discussions at a Banking Committee hearing on Thursday, but many are skeptical that Congress will be able to succeed where it has failed in the past.


Policymakers feel something new on housing finance reform: Optimism


Housing finance reform discussions are heating up and there's a growing sense that legislation can be enacted sooner rather than later. Here's why.
