
Will Madden v Midland Disrupt Loan Sales and Platform Lending?


Where do marketplace lenders and secondary loan market participants find themselves on the issue of preemption of state usury laws after the June 27 denial of the petition for a writ of certiorari in Madden v. Midland by the U.S. Supreme Court?


What is a Redemption of Property in Chapter 7


If you are purchasing a vehicle and you file Chapter 7, your options are (1) surrender the vehicle, (2) reaffirm the existing loan, or (3) redeem the vehicle by paying the lender fair market value.  Redemption, which is described at Section 722 of the Bankruptcy Code used to be an uncommon choice.  More recently, however, several lenders have entered the market to finance Section 722 redemptions.  In this video, I discuss how redemptions work and how to know if a Motion for Redemption under Section 722 is a good idea.


Inside the Mind of a Bankruptcy Lawyer – Should I File and if so, Why Should I Choose Your Firm?


There are dozens of lawyers out there who offer to prepare and file b
