Lehman Brothers

Some Lehman Brothers creditors set for payday 12 years after collapse


Investors in two subordinated bonds from Lehman Brothers received word that a payment is coming, just two weeks after the 12th anniversary of one of the world’s most spectacular banking collapses.


CFPB defends its toughness; Freedom Mortgage's rapid rise


Agency’s first supervisory report under Mulvaney finds little change; the nonbank lender surpasses Citigroup and Bank of America in home loans.


Banks may be using Lehman-style trick to disguise their debt


Banks may be disguising their borrowings in a way similar to that used by Lehman Brothers, with debt ratios falling within limits imposed by regulators just four times a year.


Ethics, Empiricists and International Insolvency at NCBJ


Saturday was the final day of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges.   The panels focused on ethics issues of the future, the role of empirical research and international insolvency.


Ethics, Empiricists and International Insolvency at NCBJ


Saturday was the final day of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges.   The panels focused on ethics issues of the future, the role of empirical research and international insolvency.


As Madoff Five Year Anniversary Approaches, Investors Denied Time-Based Damages


Two months from now will bring the five year anniversary of the unraveling of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, one of the bookends, along with the collapse of Lehman Brothers., of the extraordinary Fall of 2008. To date, Trustee Irving Picard has recovered over $9.5


As Madoff Five Year Anniversary Approaches, Investors Denied Time-Based Damages


Two months from now will bring the five year anniversary of the unraveling of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, one of the bookends, along with the collapse of Lehman Brothers., of the extraordinary Fall of 2008. To date, Trustee Irving Picard has recovered over $9.5 billion through litigation and settlements and distributed over $4.7 billion


As Madoff Five Year Anniversary Approaches, Investors Denied Time-Based Damages


Two months from now will bring the five year anniversary of the unraveling of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, one of the bookends, along with the collapse of Lehman Brothers., of the extraordinary Fall of 2008. To date, Trustee Irving Picard has recovered over $9.5 billion through litigation and settlements and distributed over $4.7 billion
