How this digital-only bank lowers risk of sign-up fraud


Aspiration Bank relies on software tools to pull data from diverse sources to prevent fraud in account applications.


Did banks’ KYC controls fail in Russian efforts to swing election?


Foreign operatives' alleged use of fraudulent financial accounts to try to influence the U.S. political system shows again how difficult it is for banks to truly know their customers.


Can blockchain technology revive peer-to-peer lending?


The people-helping-people model proffered by LendingClub and others quickly foundered, but several startups aim to bring it back with the help of distributed ledger technology.


Congress to take fresh look at money laundering regs


The Senate Banking Committee's first hearing of 2018 will focus on anti-money-laundering efforts and counter terrorist financing, which could be a precursor to legislative reforms.


Pot is legal in Canada, and that poses dilemma for U.S. banks


A U.S. alcohol maker's $191 million investment in Canadian cannabis could raise difficult questions for the banks that have lent big sums of money to the company.


Lack of regulatory clarity holding back blockchain


The federal banking regulators should create a working group that, rather than propose new rules and regulations, would clarify the application of existing rules to blockchain technology.


Giving banks more comfort with potential fintech partners


As more startups turn to ICOs to raise capital, financial institutions will seek reassurance that their blockchain and other fintech partners are aboveboard.


Innovation vexing for banks and fintechs alike


Banks that find true innovation hard to accomplish can take heart — it’s no picnic for startups either. To hear both sides share their challenges is an argument for collaboration.


How this bank’s anti-laundering blunders became a ‘sales tool’


Nothing like revelations of a client’s Ponzi scheme that lead to your bank paying $4 million in anti-money-laundering fines. That’s what happened at Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust, but its CEO argues its compliance overhaul has given the bank a competitive advantage in cosmopolitan New York and South Florida.


‘Neither Mad Max nor Orwell’: ID startup walks a fine line


GlobalID stands out from scores of similar companies and projects by attempting to wed self-sovereignty with regulatory compliance. If its technology works, it could alleviate a major cost for banks.
