Keith Noreika

As CFPB closes door on payday, OCC opens one for deposit advance


The world of short-term lending was shaken up Thursday as one regulator issued a rule cracking down on payday loans while another made it easier for banks to offer an alternative product.


Can the OCC really grant fintech charter to a Google?


Industry observers are skeptical of acting Comptroller Keith Noreika's claims that his agency could grant a fintech charter to a commercial firm like Amazon or Google, arguing that such a move could become "Walmart 2.0."


Why are Amazon, PayPal meeting with bank regulators?


Meetings between bank regulators and technology giants like Amazon and PayPal underscore Silicon Valley's growing involvement in the financial services arena, and may presage pursuit of a bank charter.


Fintech charter open to commercial firms: OCC's Noreika


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika affirmed Thursday that the agency’s fintech charter, if implemented, could be granted to commercial firms like Walmart or Google.


Industry skeptical of plan to simplify capital rules


The proposal is aimed at a simpler capital regime particularly for community banks, but some industry representatives and regulators themselves questioned whether the plan went far enough.


Online lending is 'natural evolution of banking': OCC's Noreika


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika on Monday gave a ringing endorsement to online lenders seeking to expand into banking, suggesting they should consider taking deposits and seek out national bank charters as they mature.


Banking-and-commerce debate returns to fore, with a tech twist


The debate over the separation of banking and commerce has come roaring back, but instead of Walmart in a spotlight role, many banks have centered on a player they see as the new villain: fintech.


FDIC takes more flak from Noreika on de novos


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika is questioning the sincerity of recent steps by the FDIC to encourage de novo applications.


Rethinking split of banking and commerce: Noreika makes his case


Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika is using his short time in office to open a debate about the separation of banking and commerce, which he says is anti-competitive, stifles diversification and may limit regulators' options in times of crisis.


OCC attacks on FDIC's de novo process are off base, experts say


While acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika's criticism that the FDIC is hampering the creation of new banks may have had merit in the past, the agency has fixed many problems.
