GSE reform

In reversal, FHFA defends constitutionality of its leadership structure


The agency had decided not to challenge a recent court ruling that its structure violates the separation of powers, but newly confirmed Director Mark Calabria now appears willing to the fight the case.


Recap of Fannie and Freddie must protect shareholder rights


How the Trump administration can recapitalize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while remedying jilted private investors.


Freddie CEO joins Harvard center focusing on housing finance reform


Freddie Mac CEO Donald Layton has joined the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies as a senior industry fellow focused on reform of the government-sponsored enterprises.


Lawmakers spar over whether Fannie, Freddie are SIFIs


There is bipartisan agreement in the Senate that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "too big to fail" but some lawmakers are skeptical that a SIFI designation is appropriate.


Will FHFA’s fair-lending office fill enforcement void?


The little-known unit was launched in the wake of efforts by the CFPB and HUD to cut back on fair-lending activities, but the reach of the 10-month-old office is still unclear.


Three ways to draw private capital back into mortgages


There are clear actions that regulators at the CFPB, SEC and FHFA can take to help attract investors into the housing market, argues former FHFA Director Ed DeMarco.


GSE overhaul needs FHFA and Congress to succeed: Calabria


The Federal Housing Finance Agency has appeared willing to take its own steps to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but legislation would be necessary to create an explicit guarantee of the mortgage system.


FHFA asks Congress for power to charter Fannie, Freddie competitors


Director Mark Calabria urged lawmakers to grant the agency chartering authority similar to that of bank regulators to boost competition in the mortgage market.


Mnuchin says no to 'recap and release' plan for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was adamant that the Trump administration won’t just let Fannie and Freddie build up their capital buffers and then release the companies. He also said he backed an explicit government guarantee, something only Congress can do.


Can Fannie, Freddie be overhauled without Congress?


The Federal Housing Finance Agency has far more authority to upend the status quo than most realize, according to a new report.
