
California Conforms To Federal Income Tax Treatment Of PPP Loan Forgiveness


As reported in our earlier blog post The CARES ACT – Tax Relief, the federal CARES Act provides for forgiveness of indebtedness for eligible recipients of Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans in an amount equal to the sum of the recipient’s payroll costs, interest on mortgage obligations, rent obligations and utility payments (subject to certain conditions and limitations).  Under federal law, any amount of covered loans forgiven under the CARES Act is excluded from


What are the Tax Consequences of Not Filing for Bankruptcy?


Debts discharged in bankruptcy do not trigger tax liability Most everyone knows that filing for bankruptcy eliminates credit card debt, medical bills and other unsecured loans. However, a significant benefit of filing, that is rarely discussed, are the tax benefits that result when the bankruptcy discharge is issued. The IRS treats canceled debt as income [...]


Will Bankruptcy Get Rid of My Small Business Debts?


Small Business Debts & Bankruptcy Your business is in trouble and you want to know whether filing personal bankruptcy is necessary or whether you can just walk away without fear of your creditors chasing behind you. First thing first, identify whether you’ve personally guaranteed your business debts or whether your business entity protects you from [...]
