
Reverse Mortgages - The What's and Why's


Reverse Mortgage - a mortgage that goes backwards? In a real sense YES!


Tenants Protected After Foreclosure


You are a tenant in a multi-family or single family house that has just gone through foreclosure. Can you be just "kicked-out" by the foreclosing bank?


"...and Wining, Winning, Winning" - (re-post)


As a solo practitioner I must acknowledge my work limitations; I cannot compete against the Boston or other big-city law firms employing 20 or more attorneys.


Class Actions for Modifications or Divine Intervention


There has been movement in some state courts to shore-up the failure of the legislation enacting the Making Home Affordable program initiatives to modify loans (


"...And Winning, Winning, Winning' "


As a solo practitioner I must acknowledge my work limitations; I cannot compete against the 40th floor Boston or other big-city law firms.


Synthetic Derivatives -What are They and Who Cares?


A few weeks ago, the Senate interrogated the guys from Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street so-called "Investment Bank" The argument was about regulating Synthetic Derivatives. HUH?


Better Now Or A Year Ago?


Now that all of the drama of the Goldman Sachs vs Congress (actually Sen. Carl Levin) is over, what did it all mean. More importantly, WHO CARES? (well, I actually do but it's my job to care).
