file bankruptcy

What is the Automatic Stay and Who Does it Protect?

02/17/18 480w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />The Automatic Stay is an order entered by the federal bankruptcy court directing that all debt collection actions against a debtor that has filed for bankruptcy protection stop.  In most bankruptci


Who gets the diamond when bankruptcy is filed?


A diamond engagement ring can be a symbol of love and devotion.  It can also be a potential problem in a bankruptcy proceeding.  Ever since the DeBeers Organization began an aggressive marketing campaign for diamonds during the depression years of the 1930’s, diamond rings have become common place as in engagement arrangements.  They can be valuable, and exemption laws often cover only limited amounts for jewelry.


What Happens to My Inheritance in Bankruptcy?


It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes a client who needs to file bankruptcy is also in line to receive an inheritance.  Like a lot of things, what will happen to that inheritance in a bankruptcy case depends on the timing.


A profile of the typical person who files bankruptcy


A five year study of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act conducted by The Institute For Financial Literacy paints a picture of who files bankruptcy, and why.  Do you see yourself in this picture?  Mirror Mirror on the wall; who's the filer of us all?


Bankrupt: Girls Gone Wild?



Don’t click on the Girls Gone Wild (herienafter, GGW) link unless you are ready to view X rated material.

Which, they supposedly get for free, so, why file bankruptcy?


Bankruptcy, Modification, and Foreclosure


In my Bankruptcy practice, I see people every day in the midst of a homeowner’s dilemma.  Try to save the house, walk away, file bankruptcy, do a modification, or what?  Most often, I spend time with them simply dispelling myths!

Here are seven of my favorites:


Filing for Bankruptcy On Your Own: Never a Good Idea


One of the first things you learn in law school is: “only a fool has himself for a client”. It is hard to imagine a situation that this truism applies more to than filing bankruptcy. While individuals may represent themselves in bankruptcy court and file a bankruptcy case without an attorney or “pro-se,” it is [...]
