Exemptions In Bankruptcy

Should I Be Worried About Going To My Meeting of Creditors?


After you file a bankruptcy case, you are required to attend a meeting of creditors.  This is scheduled for about a month after your petition is filed, and is usually the only appearance you will need to make during the bankruptcy process. Should you be nervous about it? Probably not, especially if your bankruptcy lawyer knows what he or she is doing.


Federal Bankruptcy Insurance Exemption


There are two main federal bankruptcy exemptions for “unmatured” insurance contracts, 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(7) and (d)(8):


Missouri Improves Bankruptcy Exemptions


Exemptions are the laws that tell us how much property you can protect in the bankruptcy process.  Recently those laws have been improved for Missouri and former Missouri filers.


Massachusetts Protections of Cash Value Life Insurance


The Massachusetts laws protecting cash value life insurance might as well be written in Middle English.  They simply cannot be understood by any except the most persistent of us.  Lucky for us, some recent court decisions help us find our way. 
