
A Trade Secret is Not a Copyright


Bankruptcy courts (and lawyers) continue to mystify by their inability to tell the difference between types of intellectual property, confusing patents, copyrights and trademarks as if they are all just variations on the same theme. In the Virgin Offshore USA, Inc. case, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana had to deal with lawyers who had trouble telling the difference between copyrights and trade-secrets (or at least argued as if they did).


A Trade Secret is Not a Copyright


Bankruptcy courts (and lawyers) continue to mystify by their inability to tell the difference between types of intellectual property, confusing patents, copyrights and trademarks as if they are all just variations on the same theme. In the Virgin Offshore USA, Inc. case, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana had to deal with lawyers who had trouble telling the difference between copyrights and trade-secrets (or at least argued as if they did).
