equitable mootness

Third Circuit Allows Third Party Release on "Exceptional" Facts

Third party releases have long been a controversial feature of certain chapter 11 plans. They are neither specifically allowed nor prohibited by the plain language of the Bankruptcy Code. This has led courts to reach differing results. There are two important principles at play in these cases. On the one hand, bankruptcy exists to provide relief to debtors. On the other hand, bankruptcy plans are intended to provide the greatest possible return to creditors.

NCBJ Report 2016: Broken Bench Radio

The first plenary session of NCBJ was Broken Bench Radio, a fast-paced discussion of hot topics in the form of a radio call-in show.   It covered insights from the Caesar's Entertainment case, upcoming Supreme Court decisions, recharacterization, equitable mootness, Chapter 13 updates, the CFPB and the Husky case.  
Insights From Caesar's Entertainment

Ninth Circuit Rulings on Equitable Mootness in Transwest and Sunnyslope Impact Third Party Investors


The doctrine of equitable mootness provides that Chapter 11 reorganization plans will be deemed moot, and therefore not subject to appellate review, if a plan has been substantially consummated and granting appellate relief would impair the rights of innocent third parties relying on the confirmation order.  Since the development of the court-created mootness doctrine nearly a quarter century ago, courts have grappled with applying it in such a way as to strike an adequate balance between the need for finality, and the need to exercise the court’s jurisdiction and preserve the right to appe
