Energy industry

Should energy lenders fear Biden's climate policies?


For now, banks say they have no plans to curtail lending to oil and gas firms, but recent moves by the new administration — including a halt in drilling on federal land and an effort to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline — could cause them to re-evaluate their long-term commitment to the fossil fuel industry.


Citi warns of ‘meaningful’ increase in loan losses on carbon tax


Citigroup found that the rapid enactment of a carbon tax would likely lead to a significant increase in losses on loans the bank has made to certain oil and gas companies.


Vaccines offer hope, but business lenders know recovery will take long


While banks are reporting steady declines in deferrals, hard-hit borrowers such as airlines, commercial real estate developers and hotel operators will almost certainly struggle to regain their footing.


Rebounding oil prices give new hope to energy lenders


The emergence of vaccines has boosted travel forecasts — and crude prices. The expected bump at the pump could help oil and gas companies get back on track with loan payments.


Trade group seeks underlying data behind OCC's 'fair access' proposal


The Bank Policy Institute submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency requesting the agency's analysis used in crafting the plan.
