
NCBJ Report 2016: From Detroit to San Juan--Perspectives on Municipal and Territorial Restructurings

The Commercial Law League of America held its annual luncheon at NCBJ featuring the Lawrence King Award and a keynote speech by Andy Dillon.

Protests Halt Forum With Detroit Bankruptcy Judge

A man protests outside at Wayne State University before an event to discuss Detroit a year after the city’s exit from bankruptcy takes place Wednesday.

Forward Motions: Judge to Rule When Detroit Can Exit Bankruptcy

Fireworks burst over the Detroit city skyline during the annual Ford Fireworks show in downtown, Monday, June 23, 2014.
Associated Press

A judge on Monda


Detroit Judge to Residents: Your Anger Will Prevent Another Meltdown

Tonja Boyd (L) talks with her daughters Nemyla Boyd (C) and Alexandria Boyd (R) as they wait at a bus stop Nov.

California Pension Fund A Big Winner In Stockton Bankrupcty

Calpers headquarters in Sacramento, Calif.

I’ve been writing a bunch over the past week about how the bankruptcies of


Michigan College Tries to Draw Students With Class on Detroit’s Bankruptcy

Downtown Detroit
Paul Sancya/Associated Press

Wayne State University is trying to pull college kids who are home in Michigan for the summer into the heart of Detroit with a


Michigan College Tries to Draw Students With Class on Detroit’s Bankruptcy

Downtown Detroit
Paul Sancya/Associated Press

Wayne State University is trying to pull college kids who are home in Michigan for the summer into the heart of Detroit with a


Michigan College Tries to Draw Students With Class on Detroit’s Bankruptcy

Downtown Detroit
Paul Sancya/Associated Press

Wayne State University is trying to pull college kids who are home in Michigan for the summer into the heart of Detroit with a


Detroit’s Proposed Plan of Adjustment – Two Crucial Questions


The chapter 9 bankruptcy case of the City of Detroit has been as complex and litigious as anticipated.  Nevertheless, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr has kept plodding forward, and last week filed a proposed plan of adjustment, the road map for the Motor City to emerge from bankruptcy.  There are two key components to the plan.  The first is that it will seek to inflic
