
The Fed on Mortgage Servicing


I had the privilege today of hearing Federal Reserve Board Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin deliver the keynote address to the Section on Financial Institutions at the American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting.  Governor Bloom Raskin's topic: mortgage servicing, which is not something the Fed has previously addressed.  I strongly commend her speech to you.


Greek VoluntaryInvolutary DealNoDealDeal: Convolution Eupdate


Will Greece reach a voluntary deal with its creditors to write down its debt by 50% in the coming weeks? Will it default? ... or will its official patrons blink, pay up, and let the creditors off the hook? I hear at least two uber-expert Euro-watchers have taken opposite sides of the bet on that one. I bet nobody wins.


Financial Institutions Palooza at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting


The Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services will have a record four events at this weekend's Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The theme is rethinking and reviving the field of financial institutions on the ground and in the academy. We will take stock of reforms so far and consider the impact of the crises in the United States and Europe, but also will take a long-term view of the field from diverse theoretical, policy, and methodological perspectives.


Understanding Anna Nicole Smith (or, at least, Stern v. Marshall): A Must-Read Analysis


Led by my colleague Elizabeth Gibson, four members of the National Bankruptcy Conference have produced a fantastic analysis of the Stern v. Marshall U.S.


The Restatement of Property and the Road to Mortgagocracy


I recently did a string of blog posts of the Permanent Editorial Board for the UCC's Report on the enforcement of negotiable mortgage notes. I'm still planning a final installment there, but I came across another document that just floored me in showing how across another American Law Institute product that just floored me in how deeply captured and compromised part of the legal elite is.  


MBIA v. Countrywide Ruling


There's been a lot of media coverage of the recent ruling of the NY Supreme Court (that's the trial court, not the final Court of Appeals) in MBIA v. Countrywide, a suit by the monoline bond insurer against Countrywide for fraud, negligent misrepresentation, etc. that induced it to insure Countrywide's mortgage-backed securities. This and Syncora's similar suit are being carefully watched because they are the MBS litigation that is the farthest along and thus seen as a belleweather for other rep and warranty suits.


The CFPB Gets a Director


The CFPB is finally getting a Director, which enables it to exercise its full range of powers. It's good to see this Administration show some backbone. Better late than never, I guess, and Rich Cordray is a great pick.


Buy Here Pay Here Dealerships


The LA Times did a three-part series this fall on what they call "Buy Here Pay Here" car dealerships. (Here is Part One, Part Two, and Part Three).
