Credit & Debit Cards

Consumer Credit Levels Reach Their Lowest Point in over a Year


According to a recent Reuters story, consumers are reluctant to hold debt due to the U.S. Credit rating downgrade and debt problems in Europe. The economy is shaky so people are apparently less willing to carry tons of debt.


Bully for BofA: New Debit Card Fees!


Bully for you, Bank of America.  Bank of America's starting charging monthly fees for debit card usage to some customers. This is being taken as an "I told you so" by opponents of the Durbin Amendment, who argued that it would only result in higher costs for consumers. Actually, the BoA move is exactly what we might expect:  consumers are having to pay for their rewards. That's how it should be. They might be paying too much, but that's another matter.  So what does Bank of America's move tell us?


Credit Card Securitization and Skin-in-the-Game


I have a new paper on credit card securitization and what it teaches us about the likely effectiveness of the Dodd-Frank Act's skin-in-the-game risk retention requirements. Credit card securitization has long required 4%-7% credit risk retention (cf. 5% under Dodd-Frank).  


A Plea to Financial Reporters

Why do financial reporters insist on reporting interest rates on complex consumer financial products as if they were meaningful in isolation? To wit, anotherwise good New York Times story reports an increase in credit card interest rates over last year. That figures doubly meaningless. First, interest rates are but one component among many of the cost ofusng a credit card.

More on the Durbin Amendment Rulemaking


I have an op-ed on the Durbin Amendment rulemaking in the American Banker.  


The Politics of the Durbin Rulemaking


It goes without saying that I think the Fed did a real jerk move on the Durbin Amendment rulemaking. But the more interesting issue is why? 


The Fed Bails Out the Banks...Again


If anyone doubted who set the marching tune for the Federal Reserve Board, it was sure clear today. The Fed announced its final rule under the Durbin Interchange Amendment, and it was quite the handout to the big banks.  


Still Not Working Abroad


I've previously posted about my frustrations at being stranded abroad without a functioning credit card -- particularly at train stations -- and the refusal of American credit cards to adopt a technology that has been in my building laundry room for years.


Another Robo-Signing Problem


The other shoe drops: allegations of robo-signing in credit card collections (courtesy of the AP and CNBC). If it is happening in assembly-line mortgage foreclosures, there is no reason to think it is not happening in other assembly-line debt collections.


The Solomonic Test of Swipe Fee Reform: Reverse Political Economy


King Solomon's judgment regarding the two women claiming to be the mother of the same child is a familiar story--the King proposed chopping the baby in two and giving each mother half of the child. One mother consents, while the other says that she will forfeit the child. The one who prefers receiving 0 child to .5 child is then awarded the whole baby because the real mother would never consent to the child being harmed.
