collection agency

Debt Collectors Serve A Purpose, Even To People Who Owe Money


Post image for Debt Collectors Serve A Purpose, Even To People Who Owe Money

Consumer protection lawyers like me are wrongfully trained to hate all debt collectors.


Sued? Fear Not!


Often, the final trigger leading a client to call me is getting suedfor a credit card. Fear !! Scarlet Letters!! Branded For Life!!  The suit can be a good thing.  You have defenses, and now you start planning for your financial fresh start instead of being hunkered down in your sweat box.  Even though there’s not enough money for a bankruptcy filing just yet.


It's The Economy - Your Economy


Now that the economy is no longer an issue, we have to turn to a new topic- "The Economy", but a different sense of the economy - YOUR econ


It's The Economy - Your Economy


Now that the economy is no longer an issue, we have to turn to a new topic- "The Economy", but a different sense of the economy - YOUR econ
