Bankruptcy Generally

What’s fairness got to do with it? When the “it” is chapter 11, a lot….


For those of you who are not familiar with my scholarship, I am fairly conservative in my approach, and I strive to remain objective in my analysis and balanced in my proposals. I believe that most companies try to get it right, I respect markets, and I do not think that financial institutions and private funds are evil.


Bankruptcy Attorney Advertising in the Digital Age


Yellow Pages--maybe not so much anymore. Websites, AdWords, and social media--yes, yes, and occasionally.


What the ...?


Just received this month's ABI Journal. I surely can't be the only one who finds the ad for the BMC Group – inside the front cover – obnoxious, even offensive (I'm not going to dignify it by reproducing it). I get that sex sells ... but in a bankruptcy journal, advertising a claims agent?
