Wisconsin Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:12-bk-12623 - Double Star, Inc. - Wisconsin Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Double Star, Inc.
Docket Header

SmBus, mdsmpending, DSCLSDUE, PLNDUE

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Wisconsin, http://www.wiwb.uscourts.gov (Eau Claire)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 1-12-12623-tsu

Assigned to: Judge Thomas S. Utschig
Hearing Location: Eau Claire
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/02/2012


Double Star, Inc.

1243 Highway 35
Hudson, WI 54016
Tax ID / EIN: 34-2028969

represented by
D. Peter Seguin

110 Second Street
P.O. Box 469
Hudson, WI 54016
(715) 386-3200
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee's Office

U.S. Trustee's Office
Suite 304
780 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53715

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
05/11/201217Docket Text
Motion to Use Cash CollateralObjection by Central Bankfiled by Jodie L. Grabarski on behalf of Central Bank.. (Grabarski, Jodie) (Entered: 05/11/2012)
05/11/201216Docket Text
Proposed Order (related document(s) 14Motion to Dismiss Case, Affidavit of Tom Sanvickfiled by Creditor Central Bank, Motion for Relief from StayAffidavit of Jodie L. Grabarski[ Fee Amount $176]) filed by Attorney Jodie L. Grabarski of Murnane Brandt on behalf of Central Bank . Order to be signed on or after 6/4/2012. (Grabarski, Jodie) (Entered: 05/11/2012)
05/11/201215Docket Text
Proposed Order (related document(s) 14Motion to Dismiss Case, Affidavit of Tom Sanvickfiled by Creditor Central Bank, Motion for Relief from StayAffidavit of Jodie L. Grabarski[ Fee Amount $176]) filed by Attorney Jodie L. Grabarski of Murnane Brandt on behalf of Central Bank . Order to be signed on or after 6/4/2012. (Grabarski, Jodie) (Entered: 05/11/2012)
05/11/2012Docket Text
Receipt of Motion for Relief from Stay(1-12-12623-tsu) [motion,mrlfsty] ( 176.00) filing fee. Receipt number 4449457, amount $ 176.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 05/11/2012)
05/11/201214Docket Text
Motion to Dismiss Case, Affidavit of Tom Sanvick, or in the alternative Motion for Relief from StayAffidavit of Jodie L. Grabarski[ Fee Amount $176] filed by Jodie L. Grabarski on behalf of Central Bank. Notice/Proof of Service - Last Day to File Objections/Request for Hearing: 6/1/2012. Notice of Motion/Proof of Service - Last Day to File Objections/Request for Hearing: 6/1/2012. (Grabarski, Jodie) (Entered: 05/11/2012)
05/10/201213Docket Text
Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement for Small Business, Statement of Operations for Small Business, Tax Documents for the Year 2011(includes statement re: tax documents which are not included)filed by D. Peter Seguin on behalf of Double Star, Inc.. (Seguin, D.) (Entered: 05/10/2012)
05/10/201212Docket Text
List of Equity Security Holders filed by D. Peter Seguin on behalf of Double Star, Inc.. Notice of Deficiency. (Seguin, D.) (Entered: 05/10/2012)
05/07/201211Docket Text
Declaration re: Electronic Filing. (Eau Claire, Tami) (Entered: 05/07/2012)
05/05/201210Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors (Related Doc # (Related Doc # 3)). Notice Date 05/05/2012. (Admin.) (Entered: 05/05/2012)
05/03/20129Docket Text
Notice of Appearance and Request for Noticefiled by Jodie L. Grabarski on behalf of Central Bank. (Attachments: # 1Proof of Service) (Grabarski, Jodie) (Entered: 05/03/2012)