Virginia Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 6:22-bk-60132 - MRA Holdings LLC - Virginia Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
MRA Holdings LLC
Rebecca B. Connelly
Last Filing
Docket Header

BUSINESS, DsclsDue, PlnDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Virginia (Lynchburg)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-60132

Assigned to: Judge Rebecca B. Connelly
Chapter 11

Date filed:  02/15/2022
341 meeting:  03/21/2022


MRA Holdings LLC

18245 Forest Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Tax ID / EIN: 82-3440498

represented by
H. David Cox

Cox Law Group, PLLC
900 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
(434) 845-2600
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee


Office of the United States Trustee
210 First Street, Suite 505
Roanoke, VA 24011
(540) 857-2806

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
03/02/202219Docket Text
Receipt of Amendment to Creditor Matrix - Fee( 22-60132) [misc,amdcm] ( 32.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number A9341535. Fee amount 32.00. (re: Doc# 18) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 03/02/2022)
03/02/202218Docket Text
Amendment to Creditor Matrix. Certification attached. Fee Amount $32 Filed by H. David Cox on behalf of MRA Holdings LLC. (Cox, H.) (Entered: 03/02/2022)
03/02/202217Docket Text
Certification Regarding Balance of Schedules Filed by H. David Cox on behalf of MRA Holdings LLC (RE: related document(s) 16 Balance of Schedules). (Cox, H.) (Entered: 03/02/2022)
03/01/202216Docket Text
Balance of Schedules filed. Filed by H. David Cox on behalf of MRA Holdings LLC. (Cox, H.) (Entered: 03/01/2022)
02/24/202215Docket Text
Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Filed by H. David Cox on behalf of MRA Holdings LLC (RE: related document(s) 7 Order of Deficiency Schedules Due). (Cox, H.) (Entered: 02/24/2022)
02/24/202214Docket Text
Application to Employ Cox Law Group, PLLC as Attorney Filed by Debtor MRA Holdings LLC Video conference set for 3/17/2022 at 11:00 AM before Judge Connelly. All parties connect using video conference instructions on the court website. (Cox, H.) (Entered: 02/24/2022)
02/22/202213Docket Text
Corporate Resolution Authorizing Filing Filed by H. David Cox on behalf of MRA Holdings LLC. (Cox, H.) (Entered: 02/22/2022)
02/19/202212Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors. (RE: related document(s) 8 Meeting of Creditors Chapter 11) No. of Notices: 11. Notice Date 02/19/2022. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/20/2022)
02/18/202211Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s) 7 Order of Deficiency Schedules Due) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 02/18/2022. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/19/2022)
02/18/202210Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s) 6 Notice of Status Hearing) No. of Notices: 10. Notice Date 02/18/2022. (Admin.) (Entered: 02/19/2022)