Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:14-bk-30209 - Segars Properties, LLC - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Segars Properties, LLC
Barbara J. Houser
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 14-30209-bjh7

Assigned to: Barbara J. Houser
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  01/07/2014
Date converted:  06/29/2015
Date terminated:  11/30/2017
341 meeting:  08/04/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  09/30/2015


Segars Properties, LLC

1722 N. 1st Street
Garland, TX 75040
Tax ID / EIN: 20-0596649

represented by
Vickie L. Driver

Husch Blackwell LLP
1900 N. Pearl
Suite 1800
Dallas, TX 75201
Fax : 214.999.9170
Email: [email protected]


Daniel J. Sherman

509 N. Montclair
Dallas, TX 75208

represented by
Jeffrey R. Seckel

McGuire, Craddock & Strother, P.C.
2501 N. Harwood Ste. 1800
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 954-6800
Fax : (214) 954-6850
Email: [email protected]

Daniel J. Sherman

509 N. Montclair
Dallas, TX 75208
Email: [email protected]

Daniel J. Sherman

Sherman & Yaquinto
509 N. Montclair Ave.
Dallas, TX 75208-5498
(214) 942-5502
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75242
represented by
Mary Frances Durham

United States Department of Justice
Office of the United States Trustee
1100 Commerce Street, Room 976
Dallas, TX 75242-1496
(214) 767-1241
Fax : (214) 767-8971
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/30/2017Docket Text
The Chapter 7 Trustee is Discharged and the Bankruptcy case is closed Pursuant to LBR 9070-1, any exhibits that were admitted by the Court may be claimed and removed from the Clerks Office during the 60-day period following final disposition of a case by the attorney or party who introduced the exhibits. Any exhibit not removed within the 60-day period may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Bankruptcy Clerk. (Holland, K.)
09/19/2017169Docket Text
(2 pgs) Agreed Order to disburse funds held in the Court's registry (RE: related document(s) 150 Order on trustee's motion (generic), 168 Trustee's report of final account). Entered on 9/19/2017 (Mathews, M.)
04/20/2017168Docket Text
(13 pgs) Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged filed on behalf of Trustee Daniel Sherman. The United States Trustee has reviewed the Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged. The United States Trustee does not object to the relief requested. (RE: related document(s) 152 Summary of Trustees compensation and expenses) (Wilcoxson, Cheryl)
02/09/2017Docket Text
Receipt of Registry Funds - $47343.91 by SW. Receipt Number 335868. (admin)
01/26/2017167Docket Text
(2 pgs) Order granting application for compensation (related document # 155) granting for Daniel J. Sherman, fees awarded: $8082.50, expenses awarded: $88.09 Entered on 1/26/2017. (Mathews, M.)
01/26/2017166Docket Text
(2 pgs) Order granting application for compensation (related document # 153) granting for Sherman & Yaquinto, fees awarded: $61007.50, expenses awarded: $297.36 Entered on 1/26/2017. (Mathews, M.)
01/24/2017Docket Text
Hearing held on 1/24/2017. (RE: related document(s) 155 Application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses (Ch 7) for Daniel J. Sherman, Trustee's Attorney, Period: 7/8/2015 to 12/19/2016, Fee: $8082.50, Expenses: $88.09. Filed by Trustee Daniel J. Sherman Objections due by 1/13/2017.) (GRANTED ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED.) (Harden, D.) (Entered: 01/25/2017)
01/24/2017Docket Text
Hearing held on 1/24/2017. (RE: related document(s) 153 Application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses (Chapter 11) for Daniel J. Sherman, Trustee's Attorney, Period: 9/4/2014 to 7/29/2015, Fee: $61007.50, Expenses: $297.36. Filed by Trustee Daniel J. Sherman Objections due by 1/13/2017.) (GRANTED, ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED.) (Harden, D.) (Entered: 01/25/2017)
01/20/2017165Docket Text
(2 pgs) Order granting trustee's application for compensation (related document # 151) granting for Daniel J. Sherman, fees awarded: $110871.00, expenses awarded: $2451.15 Entered on 1/20/2017. (Rielly, Bill)
01/19/2017164Docket Text
(2 pgs) Notice of hearingand Certificate of Mailing filed by Trustee Daniel J. Sherman (RE: related document(s) 155 Application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses (Ch 7) for Daniel J. Sherman, Trustee's Attorney, Period: 7/8/2015 to 12/19/2016, Fee: $8082.50, Expenses: $88.09. Filed by Trustee Daniel J. Sherman Objections due by 1/13/2017.). Hearing to be held on 1/24/2017 at 01:45 PM Dallas Judge Houser Ctrm for 155, (Sherman, Daniel)