South Carolina Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 6:23-bk-02974 - College Square Hospitality, Inc. - South Carolina Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
College Square Hospitality, Inc.
Helen E. Burris
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, DsclsDue

United States Bankruptcy Court
District of South Carolina (Greenville)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-02974-hb

Assigned to: Chief Judge Helen E. Burris
Chapter 11

Date filed:  10/01/2023
341 meeting:  10/30/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  01/29/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/29/2024
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  12/29/2023


College Square Hospitality, Inc.

11 Carriage Drive
Lexington, MA 02420
Tax ID / EIN: 57-0845591

represented by
Jason Michael Ward

Jason Ward Law, LLC
311 Pettigru St.
Greenville, SC 29601
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

US Trustee's Office

Strom Thurmond Federal Building
1835 Assembly St.
Suite 953
Columbia, SC 29201

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
10/17/20237Docket Text
Debtor's Request to Decline Electronic Noticing. DOCUMENT IMAGE AVAILABLE ONLY TO COURT USERS AND THE TRUSTEE/US TRUSTEE. Filed by Jason Michael Ward of Jason Ward Law, LLC on behalf of College Square Hospitality, Inc.. (Ward, Jason) (Entered: 10/17/2023)
10/17/20236Docket Text
Schedules Filed: Summary of Assets and Liabilities Schedule A/B Schedule D Schedule E/F Schedule G Schedule H Declaration About an Individual Debtors Schedules; Statements Filed: Statement of Financial Affairs Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtors for a Non-Individual Filed by Jason Michael Ward of Jason Ward Law, LLC on behalf of College Square Hospitality, Inc.. (Ward, Jason) (Entered: 10/17/2023)
10/04/20235Docket Text
Certificate of Service of Meeting of Creditors Notice as served by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center. Notice Date 10/04/2023. (Related Doc # 3) (Admin.) (Entered: 10/05/2023)
10/03/20234Docket Text
Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by A. Todd Darwin on behalf of Spartanburg County, SC. (Darwin, A.) (Entered: 10/03/2023)
10/02/20233Docket Text
Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors. Document Served. 341(a) meeting to be held on 10/30/2023 at 09:30 AM at Telephone - 341. Last day to oppose discharge or dischargeability is 12/29/2023. Proofs of Claims due by 1/29/2024. (DeMott, R) (Entered: 10/02/2023)
10/01/2023Docket Text
Receipt of Filing Fee for Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) (atty)( 23-02974) [misc,volp11ac] (1738.00). Receipt Number A13591065, amount 1738.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 10/01/2023)
10/01/20232Docket Text
Debtor's Request to Decline Electronic Noticing. DOCUMENT IMAGE AVAILABLE ONLY TO COURT USERS AND THE TRUSTEE/US TRUSTEE. Filed by Jason Michael Ward of Jason Ward Law, LLC on behalf of College Square Hospitality, Inc.. (Ward, Jason) (Entered: 10/01/2023)
10/01/20231Docket Text
Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition Non-Individual Filed by Jason Michael Ward of Jason Ward Law, LLC on behalf of College Square Hospitality, Inc.. Exclusive Period for Debtor to File Chapter 11 Plan and Disclosure Statement ends 01/29/2024. (Ward, Jason) (Entered: 10/01/2023)