Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 2:24-bk-21236 - Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC - Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC
Carlota M Bohm
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-21236-CMB

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge Carlota M Bohm
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/17/2024
341 meeting:  07/24/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  10/22/2024
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  11/13/2024


Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC

485 Lexington Avenue
10th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tax ID / EIN: 81-1486804

represented by
Mark A. Lindsay

Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP
11 Stanwix Street
Suite 1400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Email: [email protected]

Daniel R. Schimizzi

Whiteford Taylor & Preston
11 Stanwix Street
Ste Sute 1400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

1000 Liberty Avenue
Suite 1316
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
represented by
Kate Bradley

U.S. Trustee Program/Dept. of Justice
1000 Liberty Avenue
Suite 1316
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 644-4756
Email: [email protected]

William M. Buchanan

1000 Liberty Avenue
Ste 1316
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
08/15/202416Docket Text
It is hereby ordered that, whereas the Debtor(s) filed amended schedule(s) at Doc. No. [15], any objections to the amendment(s) must be filed in accordance with W.PA.LBR. 1009-1. Together with service of notice of the amendment(s), the Debtor(s) shall provide notice to all affected parties, the Trustee (if one is appointed), and the United States Trustee that, to the extent applicable based upon the amendment(s) made, any objection to discharge, request for a 341 meeting, and/or objections to exemptions shall be filed on or before thirty days from the date of this Order or the date set forth in the Section 341 Meeting Notice, whichever is later. If the Debtor(s) fail to file a certificate of service showing that proper notice of the amendment(s) has been given in accordance with the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Local Rules, including W.PA.LBR. 1009-1, and this Order, then the amendment(s) are null and void. This text-only entry constitutes the Court's Order and notice on this matter pursuant to W.PA.LBR 5005-11(c). Judge Carlota Bohm. Signed on 8/15/2024. (RE: related document(s): [15] Amended Schedules A B C G H I J). (dric)
08/14/202415Docket Text
The following schedule(s) have been amended: Schedule G Schedule H. Filed by Debtor Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC (Schimizzi, Daniel)
08/12/202414Docket Text
It is hereby ordered that, whereas the Debtor(s) filed amended schedule(s) at Doc. No. [13], any objections to the amendment(s) must be filed in accordance with W.PA.LBR. 1009-1. Together with service of notice of the amendment(s), the Debtor(s) shall provide notice to all affected parties, the Trustee (if one is appointed), and the United States Trustee that, to the extent applicable based upon the amendment(s) made, any objection to discharge, request for a 341 meeting, and/or objections to exemptions shall be filed on or before thirty days from the date of this Order or the date set forth in the Section 341 Meeting Notice, whichever is later. If the Debtor(s) fail to file a certificate of service showing that proper notice of the amendment(s) has been given in accordance with the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Local Rules, including W.PA.LBR. 1009-1, and this Order, then the amendment(s) are null and void. This text-only entry constitutes the Court's Order and notice on this matter pursuant to W.PA.LBR 5005-11(c). Judge Carlota Bohm. Signed on 8/12/2024. (RE: related document(s): [13] Amended Schedules A B C G H I J). (dric)
08/09/202413Docket Text
The following schedule(s) have been amended: Schedule G Schedule H. Filed by Debtor Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC (Schimizzi, Daniel)
06/27/202412Docket Text
The upcoming 341(a) meeting is scheduled to be held by phone. Call 1-877-612-9054 and use access code 4831906 to join the meeting. Filed by Office of the United States Trustee. (Bradley, Kate) (Entered: 06/27/2024)
06/26/202411Docket Text
Update Meeting of Creditors, Deadlines Updated 341(a) meeting to be held on 7/24/2024 at 01:00 PM via Ch 11 341 telephonic hearing. Last day to oppose dischargeability due by 9/23/2024. Proofs of Claims due by 10/22/2024. (mgut) (Entered: 06/26/2024)
06/18/202410Docket Text
Petition Completed Filed by Debtor Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC (Schimizzi, Daniel)
05/23/20249Docket Text
Declaration Re: Electronic Filing (RE: related document(s): [1] Voluntary Petition Chapter 11 filed by Debtor Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC). (obro)
05/22/20248Docket Text
Notice Regarding Filing of Mailing Matrix Filed by Debtor Maybrook-C Overlook Propco, LLC (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit - Mailing Matrix) (Lindsay, Mark)
05/17/20242Docket Text
Receipt of Voluntary Petition Chapter 11( 24-21236) [misc,volp11] (1738.00) filing fee. Receipt number A16741439, amount $1738.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 05/17/2024)