Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:13-bk-11173 - Labruzzo Rentals, LLC - Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Labruzzo Rentals, LLC
Gregory L. Taddonio
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-11173-GLT

Assigned to: Judge Gregory L. Taddonio
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/20/2013
341 meeting:  11/22/2013
Deadline for filing claims:  02/20/2014
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  03/19/2014


Labruzzo Rentals, LLC

313 South Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Tax ID / EIN: 26-1219709

represented by
Christopher M. Frye

Steidl & Steinberg
Suite 2830 Gulf Tower
707 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Fax : 412-391-0221
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Liberty Center.
1001 Liberty Avenue, Suite 970
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
represented by
Kathleen Robb, on Behalf of the United States Trustee by

Liberty Center, Suite 970.
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
10/20/2015201Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed. 20 year disposition (aala)
09/01/2015200Docket Text
Modified Default Order Granting Motion For Final Decree (Related Doc # [193]) Signed on 9/1/2015. (aala)
09/01/2015199Docket Text
Modified Default Order Granting Application For Compensation (Related Doc # [192]) Granting for Christopher M. Frye, fees awarded: $26700.00, expenses awarded: $1284.50 Signed on 9/1/2015. (aala)
08/31/2015198Docket Text
Certificate of No Objection REGARDING MOTION FOR FINAL DECREE Regarding the Hearing on 9/3/2015. Filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC (RE: related document(s): [193] Final Decree filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC, [195] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC). (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Frye, Christopher)
08/31/2015197Docket Text
Certificate of No Objection REGARDING APPLICATION FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND EXPENSES IN CHAPTER 11 REORGANIZATION PROCEEDING Regarding the Hearing on 9/3/2015. Filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC (RE: related document(s): [192] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC, [196] Hearing on a Judge Taddonio Case Set by Attorney or Trustee filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC). (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Frye, Christopher)
07/10/201483Docket Text
Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Daniel R. Schimizzi Filed by Creditor Mercer County State Bank (Schimizzi, Daniel) (Entered: 07/10/2014)
07/10/201482Docket Text
Order Granting Motion To Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens to Crawford County Mental Health Awareness, Inc. for $90,000.00. (Related Doc # 62) Signed on 7/10/2014. (aala) (Entered: 07/10/2014)
07/10/201481Docket Text
Order Granting Application for Approval (Related Doc # 61) Signed on 7/10/2014. (aala) (Entered: 07/10/2014)
07/10/201480Docket Text
Hearing Held on 7/10/14 (RE: related document(s): 61Application for Approval filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC, 62Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens Under Section 363(f) filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC). 1. With respect to Application for Approval of Distribution of Insurance Proceeds, Debtor to file supplement explaining $42,000 construction charge within 7 days. 2. Order to be entered approving sale. O/E. (aala) (Entered: 07/10/2014)
07/10/201479Docket Text
Supplement/Addendum toMotion for Approval of Distribution of Inusrance ProceedsFiled by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC (RE: related document(s): 61Application for Approval filed by Debtor Labruzzo Rentals, LLC, 64Order or Proceeding Memo Setting Hearing). (Attachments: # 1Exhibit A) (Frye, Christopher) (Entered: 07/10/2014)