There have been 3 business bankruptcy cases in Ohio Northern in 2002

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Year Filed
Case TitleCourtCase NoChpDate FiledClosedDisposition
Case TitleInsul Company, Inc. a CorporationCourtOhio Northern4:02-bk-43909709/04/2002Closed06/07/2005DispositionDischarge Not Applicable
Case TitleEagles Wings Aviation Corp of OHCourtOhio Northern1:02-bk-12449703/12/2002Closed03/02/2006DispositionDischarge Not Applicable 03/02/2006
Case TitleLevel Propane Gases, Inc. and Park Place, Inc.CourtOhio Northern1:02-bk-161721106/06/2002Closed06/27/2013DispositionDischarge Not Applicable