North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:23-bk-30453 - G and W Holding Company, LLC - North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
G and W Holding Company, LLC
Benjamin A. Kahn
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-30453

Assigned to: J. Craig Whitley
Chapter 7

Date filed:  07/17/2023
341 meeting:  08/16/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  11/20/2023


G and W Holding Company, LLC

c/o William B. Lilly, Jr., Receiver
P.O. Box 1267
Rockingham, NC 28380
Tax ID / EIN: 84-2265949

represented by
James Henderson

The Henderson Law Firm, PLLC
2030 South Tryon Street
Suite 3h
Charlotte, NC 28203
Fax : 704-333-5003
Email: [email protected]


A. Burton Shuford

A. Burton Shuford, Chapter 7 Trustee
PO Box 691626
Mint Hill, NC 28227

represented by
A. Burton Shuford

A. Burton Shuford, Attorney at Law
4700 Lebanon Road
Suite A-2
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Fax : 704-943-1152
Email: [email protected]

A. Burton Shuford

A. Burton Shuford, Chapter 7 Trustee
PO Box 691626
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Fax : 704-943-1152
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office

401 W. Trade Street
Suite 2400
Charlotte, NC 28202

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office

402 W. Trade Street
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202

Interested Party

Presidential Bank

represented by
Brian R. Anderson

Fox Rothschild LLP
230 N. Elm Street
Suite 1200
Greensboro, NC 27401
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/29/2023

David L. Kane

Vedder Price P.C.
222 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2600
Chicago, IL 60601
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 08/03/2023

Interested Party

Summit Funding Group, Inc.

represented by
Brian R. Anderson

(See above for address)

David L. Kane

(See above for address)

Interested Party

Wendy McGillewie

Essex Richards, PA
1701 South Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28203
represented by
John C. Woodman

Essex Richards
1701 South Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28203
Fax : 704-372-1357
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
08/24/202347Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related document(s)45 Notice Possible Dividends). No. of Notices: 38. Notice Date 08/24/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/25/2023)
08/24/202346Docket Text
Trustee Certification of Services Rendered Under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e). I rendered the following service in the case and am eligible for payment under 11 U.S.C. Section 330(e): Conducted or filed a document required by rule or statute related to a meeting of creditors required by 11 U.S.C. Section 341. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. (Executed on 8/24/2023). (RE: related document(s) Chapter 7 Trustee's Initial Report) (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 08/24/2023)
08/22/202345Docket Text
Court Notice to Creditors of Possible Dividends and Setting Claims Bar Date. Proof of Claims due by 11/20/2023. (ADI) (Entered: 08/22/2023)
08/21/2023Docket Text
Trustee's Notice of Possible Dividends and Request for Notice to Creditors (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 08/21/2023)
08/18/202344Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Sell (Related Doc # 28) (jlb) (Entered: 08/18/2023)
08/18/202343Docket Text
Courtroom Recording. Court Date & Time [ 08/17/2023 09:11:05 AM ]. (Entered: 08/18/2023)
08/17/2023Docket Text
Trustee's Initial Report, **Debtor Sworn** 341 Meeting Held (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 08/17/2023)
08/17/2023Docket Text
Disposition of Hearing Held before the Honorable J. Craig Whitley: APPROVED (RE: related document(s)28 Motion to Sell filed by Trustee A. Burton Shuford). (cas) (Entered: 08/17/2023)
08/15/202342Docket Text
Corporate Ownership Stmt, Attorney Disclosure Statement, Declaration, Statement of Financial Affairs, 106/206 Summary, Schedule H, Schedule G, Schedule E/F, Schedule D, Schedule A/B (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition Under Chapter 7 filed by Debtor G and W Holding Company, LLC) filed by James Henderson on behalf of G and W Holding Company, LLC. (Henderson, James) (Entered: 08/15/2023)
08/10/202341Docket Text
Notice of Procedures for 341 Meeting (RE: related document(s)6 First Meeting (Chapter 7B)) filed by U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office. (Scholz, BA) (Entered: 08/10/2023)