New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:17-bk-10778 - Westinghouse International Technology LLC - New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Westinghouse International Technology LLC
Michael E. Wiles
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of New York (Manhattan)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 17-10778-mew

Assigned to: Judge Michael E. Wiles
Chapter 11

Date filed:  03/29/2017


Westinghouse International Technology LLC

1000 Westinghouse Drive
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Tax ID / EIN: 00-0000000

represented by
Gary Holtzer

Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10153
(212) 310-8463
Fax : (212) 310-8007
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee
U.S. Federal Office Building
201 Varick Street, Room 1006
New York, NY 10014
(212) 510-0500

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
06/20/2017Docket Text
Pending Deadlines Terminated. (Lopez, Mary). (Entered: 06/20/2017)
05/26/20177Docket Text
Statement of Financial Affairs - Non-Individual Filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Westinghouse International Technology LLC. (Lemons, Robert) (Entered: 05/26/2017)
05/26/20176Docket Text
Schedules filed: Schedule A/B - Non-Individual, Schedule C - Non-Individual, Schedule D - Non-Individual, Schedule E/F - Non-Individual, Schedule G - Non-Individual, Schedule H - Non-Individual Filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Westinghouse International Technology LLC. (Lemons, Robert) (Entered: 05/26/2017)
03/30/2017Docket Text
An Order has been entered in accordance with Rule 1015(b) of the Bankruptcy Rules directing the procedural consolidation and joint administration of the chapter 11 cases of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, CE Nuclear Power International, Inc., Fauske and Associates LLC, Field Services, LLC, Nuclear Technology Solutions LLC, PaR Nuclear Holding Co., Inc., PaR Nuclear, Inc.,PCI Energy Services LLC, Shaw Global Services, LLC, Shaw Nuclear Services, Inc., Stone & Webster Asia Inc., Stone &Webster Construction Inc., Stone & Webster International Inc., Stone & Webster Services LLC, Toshiba Nuclear Energy Holdings(UK) Limited, TSB Nuclear Energy Services Inc., WEC Carolina Energy Solutions, Inc., WEC Carolina Energy Solutions, LLC,WEC Engineering Services Inc., WEC Equipment & Machining Solutions, LLC, WEC Specialty LLC, WEC Welding and Machining, LLC, WECTEC Contractors Inc., WECTEC Global Project Services Inc., WECTEC LLC, WECTEC Staffing Services LLC, Westinghouse Energy Systems LLC, Westinghouse Industry Products International Company LLC, Westinghouse International Technology LLC, and Westinghouse Technology Licensing Company LLC.
The docket in Case No. 17-10751 (MEW) should be consulted for all matters affecting this case.
(Lopez, Mary). (Entered: 03/30/2017)
03/29/20175Docket Text
Order signed on 3/29/2017 directing joint administration of chapter 11 cases, 17-10751, 17-10750, 17-10752, 17-10753, 17-10754, 17-10755, 17-10756, 17-10757, 17-10758, 17-10759, 17-10760, 17-10761, 17-10762, 17-10763, 17-10764, 17-10765, 17-10766, 17-10767, 17-10768, 17-10769, 17-10770, 17-10771, 17-10772, 17-10773, 17-10774, 17-10775, 17-10776, 17-10777, 17-10778 and 17-10779 under 17-10751 (Westinghouse electric Company, LLC, et al.) (Related Doc # 3). (DePierola, Jacqueline) (Entered: 03/29/2017)
03/29/20174Docket Text
Declaration of Lisa J. Donahue Pursuant to Rule 1007-2 of the Local Bankruptcy Rules for the Southern District of New York (related document(s) 1) filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Westinghouse International Technology LLC. (Lemons, Robert) (Entered: 03/29/2017)
03/29/2017Docket Text
Judge Michael E. Wiles added to the case. (Porter, Minnie). (Entered: 03/29/2017)
03/29/20173Docket Text
Motion for Joint Administration / Motion of Debtors Pursuant to Fed R. Bankr. P. 1015(b) for Entry of Order Directing Joint Administration of Chapter 11 Cases filed by Gary Holtzer on behalf of Westinghouse International Technology LLC. (Holtzer, Gary) (Entered: 03/29/2017)
03/29/20172Docket Text
Corporate Ownership Statement / Debtors' Consolidated Corporate Ownership Statement Pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(a)(1) and 7007.1 and Local Rule 1007-3. (related document(s) 1) Filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Westinghouse International Technology LLC. (Lemons, Robert) (Entered: 03/29/2017)
03/29/2017Docket Text
Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(17-10778) [misc,824] (1717.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 11780048. Fee amount 1717.00. (Re: Doc # 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 03/29/2017)