New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:13-bk-10238 - LodgeNet Interactive Corporation - New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
LodgeNet Interactive Corporation
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of New York (Manhattan)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-10238-scc

Assigned to: Judge Shelley C. Chapman
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  01/27/2013
Date terminated:  09/25/2013
Plan confirmed:  03/07/2013


LodgeNet Interactive Corporation

3900 W. Innovation Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Tax ID / EIN: 46-0371161
LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation


represented by
Judy B. Calton

Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn, LLP
2290 First National Bldg.
660 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 465-7344
Fax : (313) 465-7345
Email: [email protected]

Gary Holtzer

Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10153
(212) 310-8463
Fax : (212) 310-8007
Email: [email protected]

Sylvia Ann Mayer

S. Mayer Law PLLC
P.O. Box 6542
Houston, TX 77265
(713) 893-0339
Fax : (713) 661-3738
Email: [email protected]

Amanda K Schlitz

Leonard, Street and Deinard
150 South Fifth Street
Suite 2300
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Fax : 612-335-1657
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee
U.S. Federal Office Building
201 Varick Street, Room 1006
New York, NY 10014
(212) 510-0500

Claims and Noticing Agent

Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC

2335 Alaska Avenue
El Segundo, CA 90245
TERMINATED: 09/25/2013

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
07/07/2015353Docket Text
Letter to Kurtzman Carson Consultants from the Hartford County, Maryland stating Claim has been Satisfied, Filed by Gary T. Holzer. (Lopez, Mary)
10/20/2014Docket Text
Case Closed. (White, Greg).
10/20/2014Docket Text
Adversary Case 1:14-ap-2239 Closed. This Adversary Proceeding is Closed Subject to the Filing of a Notice of Appeal Within Fourteen (14) Days of the Entry of the Order Terminating this Adversary Proceeding. (White, Greg)
10/20/2014352Docket Text
Order Dismissing Adversary Case 14-02239 and Closing Bankruptcy Case signed on 10/17/2014 (related document(s)[350]) (White, Greg)
09/22/2014351Docket Text
Affidavit of Service of Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case of Lodgenet Interactive Corporation and Order Reopening Chapter 11 of Lodgenet Interactive Corporation (related document(s)[346], [347]) filed by Martin Jackson on behalf of General Electric Capital Corporation, Landmark Funds, and CIFC. (Jackson, Martin)
09/17/2014350Docket Text
Adversary case 14-02239. Complaint against SONIFI Solutions, Inc. (f/k/a Lodgenet Interactive Corporation), Mast Credit Opportunities I Master Fund Limited, Mast OC I Master Fund L.P., Mast Select Opportunities Master Fund L.P., Mast Admiral Master Fund L.P., Cortland Products Corp. (f/k/a Gleacher Products Corp.) . Nature(s) of Suit: (72 (Injunctive relief - other)), (91 (Declaratory judgment)) Filed by John J. Kuster, Martin Jackson, Larry J. Nyhan, Robert J. Stark, Sigmund S. Wissner-Gross on behalf of General Electric Capital Corporation, Eaton Vance CDO VIII, Ltd., Eaton Vance CDO IX Ltd., Eaton Vance Senior Floating-Rate Trust, Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Income Trust, Eaton Vance International (Cayman Islands) Floating-Rate Income Portfolio (FKA EMF), Eaton Vance Senior Income Trust, Eaton Vance Institutional Senior Loan Fund, Eaton Vance Limited Duration Income Fund, Grayson & Co., Senior Debt Portfolio, Landmark V CDO Ltd., Landmark VII CDO Ltd., Landmark VIII CLO Ltd., Landmark IX CDO Ltd., CIFC Asset Management LLC, Deerfield Capital Management LLC, Columbus Nova Credit Investments Management, LLC, CypressTree Investment Management, LLC. (Jackson, Martin)
09/17/2014349Docket Text
Order Authorizing the Filing of the Adversary Complaint and Injunction Motion Papers Under Seal (Related Doc # [348]) signed on 9/17/2014 (White, Greg)
09/17/2014348Docket Text
Motion to File Under Seal the Adversary Complaint and Injunction Motion Papers in the Chapter 11 Case of Lodgenet Interactive Corporation filed by Martin Jackson on behalf of General Electric Capital Corporation, Landmark Funds, and CIFC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Proposed Order # (2) Exhibit B - redacted Adversary Complaint) (Jackson, Martin)
09/15/2014347Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case (Related Doc # [346]) signed on 9/15/2014 (White, Greg)
09/12/2014Docket Text
Receipt of Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case(13-10238-scc) [motion,1459] (1167.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 10312067. Fee amount 1167.00. (Re: Doc [346]) (U.S. Treasury)