Nebraska Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 8:23-bk-80376 - Gunnels & Burtin, LLC - Nebraska Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Gunnels & Burtin, LLC
Thomas L Saladino
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, Subchapter_V, SMBUS

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Nebraska (Omaha Office)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-80376-TLS

Assigned to: Chief Judge Thomas L Saladino
Chapter 11

Date filed:  05/15/2023
341 meeting:  06/23/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  07/24/2023
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  08/22/2023


Gunnels & Burtin, LLC

1299 Farnam St
Ste 300
Omaha, NE 68102-1857
Tax ID / EIN: 86-2393167

Sebastian's Southerm Crab

represented by
John A. Lentz

Lentz Law, PC, LLO
650 J St.
Ste 215b
Lincoln, NE 68508
Email: [email protected]


James A. Overcash

James A. Overcash,Trustee
301 South 13th Street, Ste 500
Woods Aitken LLP
Lincoln, NE 68508

U.S. Trustee

Jerry Jensen

Assistant UST
U.S. Trustee's Office
111 South 18th Plz, Suite 1148
Omaha, NE 68102
represented by
Jerry L. Jensen

Assistant U.S. Trustee
U.S. Trustee's Office
111 S. 18th Plaza, Suite 1148
Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 221-4302
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
06/12/202318Docket Text
Status Report Filed by John A. Lentz on behalf of Gunnels & Burtin, LLC. (RE: related document(s)11 Hearing Set (SubChapter V)) (Lentz, John) (Entered: 06/12/2023)
06/08/202317Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Gunnels & Burtin, LLC (RE: related document(s) 16 Order on Application to Employ) (Attachments: # 1 Order Mailing Matrix) (Lentz, John) (Entered: 06/08/2023)
06/08/202316Docket Text
Order Granting Application to Employ John A. Lentz as Debtor's Attorney Filed by Debtor Gunnels & Burtin, LLC (Related Doc # 15). The application to employ is approved subject to the following: This order is not a determination that the services are necessary and this order does not allow fees. The person or entity employed under this order must file a fee application in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures. See Fed. R. Bank. P. 2016, 2017 and 11 U.S.C. 329, 330. Applicant must also comply with Neb. R. Bankr. P. 2016. The allowance of fees is subject to objection and to applicable laws governing allowance of fees. The movant must serve notice of this order on all parties in interest affected by the motion or order and must file a certificate of service. ORDERED by Judge Thomas L. Saladino. (Text only order). (drs) (Entered: 06/08/2023)
06/08/202315Docket Text
Application to Employ John A. Lentz as Debtor's Attorney Filed by Debtor Gunnels & Burtin, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Proposed Attorney # 2 Mailing Matrix) (Lentz, John) (Entered: 06/08/2023)
05/23/202314Docket Text
Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Katherine A Rehan on behalf of Lund Company. (Rehan, Katherine) (Entered: 05/23/2023)
05/19/202313Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors. (RE: related document(s)10 Meeting of Creditors Chapter 11 Corporation filed by U.S. Trustee Jerry Jensen). Notice Date 05/19/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 05/19/2023)
05/17/202312Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Gunnels & Burtin, LLC (RE: related document(s) 8 Ch 11 SubV Order to Debtor Re:Deposit (ADI)) (Lentz, John) (Entered: 05/17/2023)
05/17/202311Docket Text
Hearing Set (SubChapter V) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor Gunnels & Burtin, LLC). Status hearing to be held on 6/26/2023 at 09:00 AM at Omaha Courtroom-Telephonic Hearing. Status Report due by 6/12/2023. (See PDF) (law) (Entered: 05/17/2023)
05/16/202310Docket Text
Meeting of Creditors 341(a) meeting to be held on 6/23/2023 at 11:45 AM
Last day to oppose discharge or dischargeability is 8/22/2023. Proofs of Claims due by 7/24/2023. (Jensen, Jerry) (Entered: 05/16/2023)
05/16/20239Docket Text
Notice to Appointment of Subchapter V Trustee. Trustee Appointed: James A. Overcash (Attachments: # 1 Verified Statement of Subchapter V Trustee)(Jensen, Jerry) (Entered: 05/16/2023)