Nebraska Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:19-bk-41598 - Locked Groove, LLC - Nebraska Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Locked Groove, LLC
Thomas L Saladino
Last Filing
Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Nebraska (Lincoln Office)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 19-41598-TLS

Assigned to: Chief Judge Thomas L. Saladino
Chapter 7

Date filed:  09/22/2019
341 meeting:  11/07/2019
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  01/06/2020


Locked Groove, LLC

5720 La Salle St
Lincoln, NE 68516-1451
Tax ID / EIN: 83-3910413
Risky's Sports Bar & Grill

represented by
John D. Rouse

John D. Rouse, P.C.
1023 Lincoln Mall Ste. 101
Lincoln, NE 68508
(402) 475-1993
Fax : (402) 475-7989
Email: [email protected]


John Stalnaker

1111 N. 102nd Ct
Suite 330
Omaha, NE 68114

represented by
John D. Stalnaker

Stalnaker, Becker & Buresh, P.C.
1111 N. 102nd Court, Suite 330
Omaha, NE 68124
(402) 393-5421
Fax : (402) 393-2374
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Jerry Jensen

Acting Assistant UST
U.S. Trustee's Office
111 South 18th Plz, Suite 1148
Omaha, NE 68102
represented by
Jerry L. Jensen

Assistant U.S. Trustee
U.S. Trustee's Office
111 S. 18th Plaza, Suite 1148
Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 221-4302
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
12/27/201918Docket Text
Order Granting Motion To Sell filed by Trustee John D. Stalnaker (Related Doc # 13). The pleading was filed, served and noticed pursuant to local rules. No timely resistance/objection was filed. The motion is granted. This Order does not grant authority for the movant to sell the property free and clear of liens under section 363(f) since it was not docketed as such and the filing fee was not paid. Movant is responsible for giving notice to parties in interest as required by rule or statute. ORDERED by Judge Thomas L. Saladino. (Text only order) (dkk) (Entered: 12/27/2019)
12/07/201917Docket Text
Receipt of Amended Schedules/Statements( 19-41598-TLS) [misc,amdsch] ( 31.00) filing fee. Receipt number A8123967, amount $ 31.00. (re: Doc# 14) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 12/07/2019)
12/07/201916Docket Text
Certificate of Service of Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case Filing, Meeting of Creditors-No Proof of Claim Deadline Filed by Debtor Locked Groove, LLC (RE: related document(s) 2 Meeting of Creditors (Chapter 7)) (Rouse, John) (Entered: 12/07/2019)
12/07/201915Docket Text
Certificate of Service Amended Summary of Schedules, Amended Schedules E/F and Declaration re Schedules Filed by Debtor Locked Groove, LLC (RE: related document(s) 14 Amended Schedules/Statements filed by Debtor Locked Groove, LLC) (Rouse, John) (Entered: 12/07/2019)
12/07/201914Docket Text
Amended Schedule[s] for Non-Individual Schedule E/F, Amount of non-dischargeable debt $0.00, Summary of Assets and Liabilities, (Creditor(s) DirecTV, KWBE, Republic National Distributio Co-NE, Travelers Insurance Added) Fee Amount $31, Filed by John D. Rouse on behalf of Locked Groove, LLC. (Rouse, John) (Entered: 12/07/2019)
12/05/201913Docket Text
Motion to Sell Filed by Trustee John Stalnaker 9013 Objections due by 12/26/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Matrix) (Stalnaker, John) (Entered: 12/05/2019)
11/20/201912Docket Text
UST Entry of Appearance Filed by Jerry L. Jensen on behalf of Jerry Jensen. (Jensen, Jerry) (Entered: 11/20/2019)
11/13/201911Docket Text
Order Granting Application to Employ John Stalnaker and Stalnaker, Becker, & Buresh, P.C. as Attorneys Filed by Trustee John Stalnaker (Related Doc # 9). The application to employ is approved subject to the following: This order is not a determination that the services are necessary and this order does not allow fees. The person or entity employed under this order shall file a fee application in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures. See Fed. R. Bank. P. 2016, 2017 and 11 U.S.C. 329, 330. Applicant must also comply with Neb. R. Bankr. P. 2016. The allowance of fees is subject to objection and to applicable laws governing allowance of fees. Movant is responsible for giving notice to parties in interest as required by rule or statute. ORDERED by Judge Thomas L. Saladino. (Text only order). (drs) (Entered: 11/13/2019)
11/12/201910Docket Text
Notice of Trustee's Intent to Claim Certain Assets (Stalnaker, John) (Entered: 11/12/2019)
11/12/20199Docket Text
Application to Employ Stalnaker, Becker, & Buresh, P.C. as Attorneys Filed by Trustee John Stalnaker (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Robert J. Becker) (Stalnaker, John) (Entered: 11/12/2019)