Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:22-bk-43908 - Farmers Cooperative Association #301 - Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Farmers Cooperative Association #301
Bonnie L Clair
Last Filing
Docket Header

Subchapter_V, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Missouri (St. Louis)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-43908

Assigned to: Bonnie L Clair
Chapter 11

Date filed:  12/16/2022
341 meeting:  01/19/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  06/30/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  06/14/2023
Deadline for objecting to discharge:  03/20/2023


Farmers Cooperative Association #301

28 N. Church Street
Sullivan, MO 63080
Tax ID / EIN: 43-0265310

represented by
Spencer P. Desai

The Desai Law Firm, LLC
13321 North Outer Forty Road
Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63017
Email: [email protected]


Stephen D. Coffin

The Small Business Law Center
2705 St. Peters-Howell Rd
Suite A
St. Peters, MO 63376

U.S. Trustee

Office of US Trustee

111 S Tenth St, Ste 6.353
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 539-2976
represented by
Carole J. Ryczek

Office of the U. S. Trustee
11 South 10th Street, Suite 6.353
St. Louis, MO 63102
Fax : 314-539-2990
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
08/09/2024154Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 (RE: related document(s)152 Notice of Hearing). (Desai, Spencer) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
08/09/2024153Docket Text
Receipt of filing fee for Motion to Sell( 22-43908) [motion,motosell] ( 199.00). Receipt number A20143476, amount $ 199.00. (re: Doc#151) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
08/09/2024152Docket Text
Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 (RE: related document(s)151 Amended Motion to Sell: 28 N. Church Street and 28 Modern Street, Sullivan, Missouri 63080. Fee Amount $199, Certificate of Service: Filed. Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 Hearing scheduled 9/4/2024 at 10:00 AM at Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South.). Hearing to be held on 9/4/2024 at 10:00 AM Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South for 151, (Desai, Spencer) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
08/09/2024151Docket Text
Amended Motion to Sell: 28 N. Church Street and 28 Modern Street, Sullivan, Missouri 63080. Fee Amount $199, Certificate of Service: Filed. Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 Hearing scheduled 9/4/2024 at 10:00 AM at Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South. (Desai, Spencer) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
08/08/2024150Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document Notice Date 08/08/2024. (Related Doc # 148) (Admin.) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
08/08/2024149Docket Text
PDF with attached Audio File. Court Date & Time [ 8/8/2024 2:04:38 PM ]. File Size [ 11056 KB ]. Run Time [ 00:23:02 ]. (admin). (Entered: 08/08/2024)
08/06/2024148Docket Text
Order Setting Hearing (RE: related document(s)144 Motion to Sell filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301). Status hearing to be held on 8/8/2024 at 02:00 PM at Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South. (rei, k) (Entered: 08/06/2024)
08/04/2024147Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 (RE: related document(s)145 Notice of Hearing). (Desai, Spencer) (Entered: 08/04/2024)
08/04/2024146Docket Text
Receipt of filing fee for Motion to Sell( 22-43908) [motion,motosell] ( 199.00). Receipt number A20131690, amount $ 199.00. (re: Doc#144) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 08/04/2024)
08/04/2024145Docket Text
Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 (RE: related document(s)144 Motion to Sell: 28 N. Church Street and 28 Modern Street, Sullivan, Missouri 63080. Fee Amount $199, Certificate of Service: Filed. Filed by Debtor Farmers Cooperative Association #301 Hearing scheduled 8/27/2024 at 02:00 PM at Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South.). Hearing to be held on 8/27/2024 at 02:00 PM Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South for 144, (Desai, Spencer) (Entered: 08/04/2024)