Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:13-bk-49455 - Joseph Haas Investment Co. - Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Joseph Haas Investment Co.
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, DsclsDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Missouri (St. Louis)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-49455

Assigned to: Judge Kathy A. Surratt-States
Chapter 11

Date filed:  10/17/2013
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  04/15/2014


Joseph Haas Investment Co.

8815 Paragon Circle
Saint Louis, MO 63132
Tax ID / EIN: 43-0818442

represented by
Spencer P. Desai

Desai Eggmann Mason LLC
Pierre Laclede Center
7733 Forsyth Boulevard, Suite 2075
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 881-0800
Fax : (314) 881-0820
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of U.S. Trustee

111 South Tenth Street
Suite 6.353
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 539-2976

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
07/15/2015Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed (oll, c)
07/02/201548Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document Notice Date 07/02/2015. (Related Doc [46]) (Admin.)
07/01/201547Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Joseph Haas Investment Co. (RE: related document(s)[46] Order on Motion to Dismiss Case). (Suberi, Danielle)
06/30/201546Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Dismiss Case (Related Doc # [32]) (jer, j)
06/24/2015Docket Text
Hearing Continued (RE: related document(s)[32] Motion to Dismiss Case filed by U.S. Trustee Office of US Trustee) Hearing to be held on 7/8/2015 at 10:00 AM Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South. (cle, m)
05/27/2015Docket Text
Hearing Continued (RE: related document(s)[32] Motion to Dismiss Case filed by U.S. Trustee Office of US Trustee) Hearing to be held on 6/24/2015 at 10:00 AM Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South. (cle, m)
05/06/201545Docket Text
Debtor-In-Possession Operating Report for Filing Period December 2014 through May 2015 Filed by Debtor Joseph Haas Investment Co.. (Desai, Spencer)
04/02/2015Docket Text
Hearing Continued (RE: related document(s)[32] Motion to Dismiss Case filed by U.S. Trustee Office of US Trustee) Hearing to be held on 5/27/2015 at 10:00 AM Bankruptcy Courtroom 7 South. (cle, m)
02/05/201544Docket Text
Order Withdrawing Motion to Dismiss Case (Related Doc # [37]) (jer, j)
12/10/2014Docket Text
Hearing Held (RE: related document(s)[37] Motion to Dismiss Case filed by Creditor Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry International Pension Fund, Creditor Board of Trustees of the Bakery and Confectionery Union and Industry International Pension Fund) - Denied, submit order. (cle, m)