Mississippi Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 6:23-bk-50490 - Blue Diamond Energy, Inc - Mississippi Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Blue Diamond Energy, Inc
Jamie A. Wilson
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Mississippi (Gulfport-6 Divisional Office)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-50490-JAW

Assigned to: Jamie A. Wilson
Chapter 11

Date filed:  04/02/2023
341 meeting:  06/22/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  07/31/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  09/29/2023
Section 523 Objection Deadline:  08/21/2023

Debtor In Possession

Blue Diamond Energy, Inc

1261 Pass Road
Gulfport, MS 39501
Tax ID / EIN: 86-2442190

represented by
Harris H Barnes, III

Barnes, Bailey & Janoush, P. A.
5 River Bend Place
Suite A
Flowood, MS 39232
Fax : 601-981-7075
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 09/25/2023

Steve Wright Mullins, Sr

Mullins Law Firm
5551 0ld Shell Road
Ste Unit 81750
Mobile, AL 36689-5566
Fax : 228-217-4928
Email: [email protected]

Patrick A. Sheehan

429 Porter Avenue
Ocean Springs, MS 39564-3715
Fax : 228-875-0895
Email: [email protected]

Jointly Administered Debtor

Escambia Asset Company, LLC

1261 Pass Road
Gulfport, MS 39501
Tax ID / EIN: 20-4942000
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023

represented by
Steve Wright Mullins, Sr

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023

Patrick A. Sheehan

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023

Jointly Administered Debtor

Escambia Operating Company, LLC

1261 Pass Road
Gulfport, MS 39501
Tax ID / EIN: 20-4943869
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023

represented by
Steve Wright Mullins, Sr

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023

Patrick A. Sheehan

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 10/12/2023


Drew Mcmanigle

MACCO Restructuring Group, LLC
700 Milam
Ste 1300
Houston, TX 77002

represented by
Jeffrey Ryan Barber

P.O. Box 427
Jackson, MS 39205
601 949-4765
Fax : 601-949-4804
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

501 East Court Street
Suite 6-430
Jackson, MS 39201
(601) 965-5241
represented by
Abigail M. Marbury

Office of the U.S. Trustee
501 E Court Street Suite 6-430
Jackson, MS 39201-5002
Fax : 601-965-5226
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/07/2024597Docket Text
Cross Indexed from Bk 23-50491-JAW (Dkt. #: 560)
Order Granting Motion To Withdraw As Attorney - Richard M. Gaal (Re: 54 Order on Motion to Appear pro hac vice) (sbh) (Entered: 11/07/2024)
10/25/2024596Docket Text
Cross Indexed from Bk 23-50491-JAW (Dkt. #: 394)
Agreed Order on Motion of Putative Class Action Representatives for Extension of Deadline to File Non-Governmental Proofs of Claim (Re: 244 Generic Motion filed by Creditor Resource Strategies, LLC, Creditor American National Insurance Company, Creditor Briguna, LLC, Creditor ATIC Limited Partnership) (sbh) (Entered: 10/25/2024)
08/01/2024594Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (Re: 592 Order on Application for Compensation) Notice Date 08/01/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/01/2024)
07/31/2024593Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (Re: 590 Order on Motion to Vacate) Notice Date 07/31/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 07/31/2024)
07/30/2024592Docket Text
Agreed Order Approving First Interim Application for Compensation for the Accountant for the Debtors (Related Doc # [580]) (kmm)
07/30/2024591Docket Text
Proposed Order (Agreed) Filed by Trustee Drew Mcmanigle (RE: related document(s)[580] First Application for Compensation for Kenneth Lefoldt, Accountant for Patrick A. Sheehan, Accountant, Period: 5/5/2023 to 2/19/2024, Fee: $21,502.50, Expenses: $0.). (Barber, Jeffrey)
07/29/2024590Docket Text
Agreed Order Granting the Joint Motion to Vacate Order Approving Application of Debtor to Compensate Accountant Without Prejudice (Related Doc # [584], Doc # [586]) (kmm)
07/17/2024589Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (Re: 588 Order Setting, Resetting, or Continuing a Hearing) Notice Date 07/17/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 07/17/2024)
07/15/2024588Docket Text
Order Resetting Hearing. (RE: related document(s)244 Generic Motion filed by Creditor Resource Strategies, LLC, Creditor American National Insurance Company, Creditor Briguna, LLC, Creditor ATIC Limited Partnership). Hearing to be held on 10/9/2024 at 10:00 AM Courtroom 4C - Jackson for 244. (kaw) (Entered: 07/15/2024)
07/02/2024587Docket Text
Notice Allowing 21 Days to File Written Objection/Response. Date of Service: 7/2/2024 Filed by Debtor In Possession Blue Diamond Energy, Inc, Trustee Drew Mcmanigle (RE: related document(s)[586] Joint Motion to Vacate (related documents [584] Order on Application for Compensation) Filed by Debtor In Possession Blue Diamond Energy, Inc, Trustee Drew Mcmanigle (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)). Objections due 07/23/2024. Note: See Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9006(f). Three additional days may be allowed for qualifying parties. (Barber, Jeffrey)