Michigan Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 2:15-bk-49884 - Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC - Michigan Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC
Walter Shapero.Detroit
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 15-49884-wsd

Assigned to: Judge Walter Shapero.Detroit
Chapter 11

Date filed:  06/30/2015
341 meeting:  08/05/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  11/03/2015

Debtor In Possession

Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC

16814 Hamilton Ave.
Highland Park, MI 48203-2745
Tax ID / EIN: 38-3541067
represented by
William C. Babut

700 Towner Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
(734) 485-7000
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
07/20/201672Docket Text
Order Approving First Application for Pre and Post Confirmation Attorney Fees as a Chapter 11 Administrative Expense Pursuant to L.B.R. 9014-1 (E.D.M.) (Related Doc [67]) for William C. Babut, Fees Awarded: \$15,582.00, Expenses Awarded: \$1,792.60. (dmc) Modified Fees Awarded: \$5657.60, Expenses Awarded: \$0.00 to Fees Awarded: \$15,582.00, Expenses Awarded: \$1,792.60 as stated on Order on 7/20/2016 (drona).
04/27/2016Docket Text
Final Decree: The bankruptcy estate has been fully administered. The bankruptcy court has decreed the chapter 11 case is closed. (ES)
04/21/201671Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing. (RE: related document(s)[69] Deficiency Notice (BK)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 04/21/2016. (Admin.)
04/21/201670Docket Text
Corrected Certification of Non-Response Filed by Debtor In Possession Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC (RE: related document(s)[67] Application for Compensation for William C. Babut, Attorney, Period: 6/29/2015 to 3/10/2016, Fee: $5657.60, Expenses: $.). (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Babut, William)
04/19/201669Docket Text
Notice of Deficient Pleading: Electronic Signature does not match login. (RE: related document(s)[68] Certification of Non-Response filed by Debtor In Possession Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC) Electronic Signature does not match login due on 4/26/2016. (dmc)
04/18/201668Docket Text
Certification of Non-Response Filed by Debtor In Possession Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC (RE: related document(s)[67] Application for Compensation for William C. Babut, Attorney, Period: 6/29/2015 to 3/10/2016, Fee: $5657.60, Expenses: $.). (Attachments: # (1) Original Certificate of Service) (Babut, William)
03/21/201667Docket Text
Application for Compensation for William C. Babut, Attorney, Period: 6/29/2015 to 3/10/2016, Fee: $5657.60, Expenses: $. Filed by Attorney William C. Babut (Babut, William)
03/02/201666Docket Text
Request to be Removed from Receiving Notices of Electronic Filings in a Case for Creditor Wayne County Treasurer. (Kilpatrick, Richardo)
03/01/201665Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor In Possession Durant Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, LLC (RE: related document(s)[63] Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan). (Attachments: # (1) matrix) (Babut, William)
02/28/201664Docket Text
Notice of Confirmation and Opp. to Object to Closing (Ch.11) with BNC Certificate of Mailing. (RE: related document(s)[63] Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan) No. of Notices: 11. Notice Date 02/28/2016. (Admin.)